No joyous journey = no subscription

It actually is. Ive been hard grind lvling toons for a week having a lot of fun. Now that the XP buff is gone idc anymore. I’ll now play other things and slowly forget about WoW again.

Back to Rust & League for me.


We pay a sub so we can be entitled to what we want. Now if we get it is another thing all together. My sub ends in like 13 days unless I enjoy the 70-80 exp enough on my main. Without alts I have no real drive normally in this game.

The 50% bonus exp killed any lvl 1-70 exp for me. Same reason why I avoid powerleveling. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I know it could be faster.


Agreed. A lvl 60 would get way more than 1/4 of 1 bubble with 5 turn ins, in hellfire.


He exaggerated for sure.

But now it takes 3-4 quests per bubble instead of 2. It takes 50 Mobs to get a bubble instead of 30.

It all adds up to just make leveling feel significantly worse.


My mage stays 50 until exp changes.


Calling us entitled is just gaslighting. is it fair that someone with no life was able to level up 6 level 70s on skyfury and while others with jobs and families weren’t able to even level up 1 level 70?


This is not how anything works in the world unless you own it, and even if you do own it, it’s usually still not how things work


What are you even talking about… most braindead response.


Pretty self explanatory. You’re not entitled to whatever you want lol just because you rent something. Because what you want may not be what another person who also pays wants. It also might not be what the owners want. Simple as that. You want it 100% your way, you have to own it.

That’s like going into chipotle and saying you demand they have bbq chicken since you buy a burrito every month.


Make the game fun again

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No one owns anything unless you’re the government if you want to get technical.

My money, my rules, I have other games I can be playing and most likely will after I finish the 70-80 on my main. So yes it is how it works in this scenario.

so the customer doesn’t have a right to voice an opinion?? is that what you’re trying to say?

Yeah, mine stays 55. I’ve been through that levelling content literally a million times. I’m not in Wrath classic for a horribly boring grind through TBC questing zones. The boost in XP was my only motivation, plus im on a two week old fresh realm. It wasn’t realistic to get to 70 unless i no-lifed it. To top it off they opened up the server to skyfury transfers who had an extra few weeks with the buff.

Oh well i guess i got my nostalgia hit anyway

gg Blizz. GG!


Being entitled to a service that doesn’t exist and voicing an opinion are two very different things


but we’re voicing our opinions and being called entitled because of it…

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I made time to level mine up knowing the buff was not going to last forever, so I guess it is poor planning on his/her part.


Hang in there. In the interview with Kris, he said he was loving the Joyous Journeys so I imagine after launch they’ll look at the right away. I hope so because that is a brutal grind without the boost and heirlooms.


Angerforge was a fresh start server. Please don’t assume you know more than others


I never did, but still made time for mine and you are assuming that this person is on your “freshstart” server - so as someone once told me, “Please don’t assume you know more than others”

Having a childish tantrum and who cares threats won’t get you what you are looking for (and no I’m not saying you personally, just in general).

If you unsub you won’t be able to return to retail.