I think it is an absolute CROCK that a mage can have mirror images and a ret pally can have their guardians in a RBG or arena, but a squishy lock cant use their infernals. What a cruel joke!
Locks aren’t squishy in Cata. All armour types function the exact same in Cata vs white/physical damage and HP pools were evened out across the classes.
Arenas and RBGs in this version of Cata don’t even use the same MMR?CR system as the original version and there are no battlegroups or arena teams so there really isn’t much point in even trying to do Cata PvP right now. It’s a lame watered down version of the original.
Warlocks can use Infernals in RBGs.
How does it feel to be wrong?
Mirror Images that do a whopping 1k dps tops? Surely your Infernal does more than 30k damage over its duration.
“squishy” lock with baseline soul link across all 3 specs now huh?