No honor/Conq caster staff? Really?

I know it seems like a silly complaint, but it was the first thing I noticed and caused an immediate annoyance.

the only caster pvp staff available is for Bloody Tokens, which is 3ilvl less honor or conq. What gives, Blizz?

draconic aspirant’s staff is on the vendor. maybe it’s not flagged properly for your spec, try changing the thing at the top right that filters for your class/spec

Well isn’t that just about the dumbest thing I have seen haha. I am on a warlock haha… how is warlock not flagged for caster staff? lol

and yes, setting it to “all” shows the staff. Which, again, seems dumb.

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Seeing same issue here. The staff is not showing for Warlock, but setting the drop down bar to “All” shows Draconic Aspirant’s Staff for purchase, and is usable by Warlock. Seems to be a UI bug, but that’s the work around for now.

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my lock was fine?

seems to be an issue only locks are experiencing atm

Big Warlock will not allow this to remain an issue for long, no worries.

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