No holy priest nerf in 9.2.5

Do they even play the game ? or watch what is happening in the game ?

I really don’t understand what they are doing .

8/10 games are filled with holy priest in pvp and Blizzard don’t do any change

there are too many boomers in Blizzard, you open Twitter , Twitch , Forums and all you see is people complaining about priest in pvp

can’t they go balance Candy Crush instead of WOW , it’s time to retreat

Hmm. Don’t ya love the smell of Bait in the morning…


Hpriests got a nerf 2 months ago, even then it only impacted those who had 4set bonus. So they’re same same, but different, but STILL same.

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what bait ?

holy priest is killing fun in pvp for everybody

RMP have been the best comp in pvp for 18 years

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, pvp was dead in 9.0 due to billions of systems sandwiched together and hpriest weren’t even in the picture.

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idc of systems , ofc it’s hard to fix systems after releasing the expansion but for class and specs , you just take holy priest >> you go in the code >> you apply -20% to numbers and gg

PVP is unbalance in general due to the very very wide gaps in gearing. Always has been. There is always one class that people complain the most about. The second you tweak it, another one comes up.

idc about level gape , nobody care about people crying about ilvl difference they are just crybaby , thinking they are losing in pvp because of ilvl gap , you look at the top comp , everybody is playing RMP

Are hpriests an abomination in pvp? Yes. Do they deserve -20% to their numbers? Hell no!!

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Yeah, I was really excitied when I saw that.

Apparently we aren’t broken after all, lol!

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they do 20 buff/nerfs and there is no lines for Holy priest lolllll

you type wow pvp 3vs3 ladder on google , all you see is Priest/mage/Rogue

I think the same three that have always been on top of the pvp game.