No Holy Paladin Gear In New Raid

Why is there no Holy Paladin gear in the new raid? Not a single piece other than maybe some accessories. No caster shield, no +healing one-hander, no intellect mail or spellpower/healing power mail. The only real perk to paladin at the moment is the fact that they can have high armor and still be a healer. When the priest has their healing output put through the roof for no mana cost with penance and prayer of mending, what does the paladin have now?

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because Holy Paladin never wore a lot of Mail in classic in the first place?


I would imagine it’s because there’s no other +Int mail caster, so mail needs to be generic for warriors and paladins both. So Str/Sta/Spirit benefits everyone.

+Healing was never a thing at low levels anyways, pretty sure it only started to come on items at like the 50s.

Get used to it pal


They were too lazy to make different loot tables for alliance and horde

Intellect mail would only be useable by paladins at this level, which would all be dead loot for the Horde, it was easier to just keep making cloth and leather caster gear which is in line with other dungeon drops at this level.

And yet they have a whole extra set of caster leather for leather casters, and +healing staves. Also, +healing gear has existed before 50, what are you smoking?

Edit: Also, intellect plate is dead loot for horde at 40 too so what’s your point? Dead loot has existed for horde and alliance since vanilla.

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you’re level 25 bro relax, all that stuff that you’re looking for will come as we get to higher levels

Yeah, that may be true late raid. Classic holy paladins infamously wear cloth. Just roll on the leather stuff for your healing set, and then start playing cking up mail after the warriors or retnoobs get it, you’ll want that more anyways when p2 hits.