No Heirloom Warglaives?

…Really Blizzard!? X_X

Not needed, at all…
There are BoA swords that are perfectly usable.

So, yes…
Really :roll_eyes:


There is virtually no need for heirloom weapons for DHs.

Maybe some day they’ll get around to adding them, but I’d go talk to Holy Paladins about waiting for caster plate heirlooms (which they didn’t get until one expansion prior to armor types having all relevant primary stats on them). :slight_smile:

It’s called transmog bruh

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You all make very good points! I retract my indignation…


No heirloom wands either, as far as I’ve seen.

It just seems odd that we’d have multiple heirloom options, for certain weapon types, and zero for others…regardless of how “useful” they may, or may not, be.

And those weapon types available can be used on all scenarios! Not having Warglaives in the heirloom list is absolutely trivial, as DH can use swords which have the very same mechanical structure in how they work in game.

If you’re that bent on Warglaives, use the transmog option, but don’t complian about a lack of options that is perfectly handled by means of equipping a weapon that is virtually the same thing, and then transmogged over!

You’re not the boss of me, shill…


Not at all, just pointing out your flaws. Yet you’re calling me a shill because I’m clarifying your ignorance on the subject…


Man, I just want warglaive heirlooms so Blizzard (potentially) has an excuse to make the warglaive models from vanilla/classes obtainable. ;-;

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You sir/madam rock and let me tell you why.

You do something that many are incapable of doing, especially over the internet. You have an opinion, you state such opinion, read the opinions of others, then acknowledge said opinions while changing your viewpoint.

Well done sir/madam

That is true but the heirloom swords don’t have agility which is what a demon hunters main attribute is

Venerable Dal’Rend’s Sacred Charge would like to have a word with you sir.

No Wands? Are we running AQ40 ? :blush: