Blizz is pushing that the only way out of this 6 hour queue purgatory is to take a free transfer to w/e server they decide. Only problem is, I have a guild bank so my alts can share bank storage. Blizz states that transfer of the Guild Bank is restricted. Great, so the 9k gold investment will forever restrict me from jumping off Benediction.
I already had to pay to get off Fairbanks alliance server as alliance population dived to 1% during TBC… and had to re-purchase all my guild bank tabs then…
Now, after i paid to have 10 characters transferred to the new server (not cheap!!), I can’t hope to even play the game unless i do yet another transfer, tossing away yet another set of guild bank tabs and the $$$ i put out to transfer my toons to benediction.
Blizz really needs to figure this out. If they are OK doing away with some things that weren’t in classic, why not alter the servers to match live with cross-realm play doing away with this game-breaking issue?
They should refund players who put money out to transfer in TBC, refund gold for guild bank investment if they lack the ability to transfer guild banks, and simply figure out how to fix the population issue.
Only reason why this is a problem is players are out for one simple thing… to enjoy the game in a social aspect as it was meant to be played, and not end up on a zero faction population server - prohibiting grouping up with others to enjoy content.
I know they have the ability to transfer guild banks but just chose not to… my characters on fairbanks ended up getting a force transfer to Sulfuras w/the server shut down… the guild banks did go with them, I had to re-name the guilds on the destination server just as a character name conflict happens during transfer. So it CAN be done, they just want to stick to “couldn’t be done then, so we wont do it now” principle.
So if your ok making some changes, like killing the LFG system, then why not this to ease the server population issues??
Reminds me of the scene in cable guy:
Steven : Can I get a knife or fork?
Wench : There were no utensils in medieval times, hence there are no utensils AT Medieval Times. Would you like a refill on that Pepsi?
Steven : There were no utensils but there was Pepsi?
Wench : Dude, I got a lot of tables.