What is a deviate delight?
What are Swiftthistles?
Is it hard to level from 10-15 without buying things from the AH?
What’s preventing level 60 players from farming anything open world that has value?
What is a deviate delight?
What are Swiftthistles?
Is it hard to level from 10-15 without buying things from the AH?
What’s preventing level 60 players from farming anything open world that has value?
You mean the fish surrounded by level 15s?
The plants that are a random drop from Mageroyal and Briarthorn and only spawn in areas surrounded by level 15+?
If you go to Silverpine(for example), you have to be south of Sepulcher to get any Swifthistle and the further south you go the higher level the mobs are.
Is it impossible to level to 13 or even 14 without buying things from the AH? Will your gold making from the Deviate Fish plummet if you’re 4 hours deeper into the game?
Can’t you level to a comfortable spot where mobs aren’t an issue for you, then farm for your gold? Why do you need to buy things from the AH that have little residual value?
Isn’t an inflated economy going to make it that much easier for a new player to buy their first mount?
[quote=“Bullakae-crusader-strike, post:104, topic:2008598, full:true”]
Is it impossible to level to 13 or even 14 without buying things from the AH? Will your gold making from the Deviate Fish plummet if you’re 4 hours deeper into the game?
Impossible no, exponentially more difficult(class dependent) yes.
A warrior in all whites and grays is 100% different from a warrior with a green weapon for example.
Do you do your tradeksills while you level or after you hit 60?
Won’t a new player have a chance at getting green gear to either use or sell while leveling? Doesn’t green gear in early levels have a better chance at dropping compared to other loot too?
Why would only the green gear the new player need be wildly expensive, but all the green gear they get be worthless?
Get rekt swippers !!
Go gdkp in ERA.
SOD has the best economy and mats arent expentive. IT WORKS"
Green great doesn’t start dropping until you start killing level 10-12 mobs and it’s level 7.
Green gear is almost always 2-3 levels below the mob that dropped it.
I can’t speak for other people’s gameplay experience with drops because I have a horseshoe up my butt.
I get 1-2 BoE blues in every level bracket from level 20 onwards(so 20-30. 30-40, 40-50) while leveling at at least one BoE Epic that’s class relevant. ie: I got Myridon’s Signet and Destiny on my first CLassic Warrior, ardent defender on my druid, and Skullflame Shield on my Paladin.
I also tend to get four 6 slotters by the time I’m level 10.
So what’s preventing you from utilizing your drops for gold?
There’s the difference between our viewpoints.
I think about other people.
Are they incapable of trade too?
Why do you and new players only spend, never make? Could proper budgeting and gold management be the real issue?
Go make a new character on Anathema(Whitemane Cluster) and level to 10 and see how much gold you have, how many drops you get, and what your tradeskills are at.
Try to buy something off of the AH.
Can I sell things first?
You can try.
Is it difficult to?
How is everything too expensive to buy, but my stuff won’t sell for scraps?
What if I see a rare blue drop in the early levels, wouldn’t that set me up pretty well even with the gold sinks?
When you’re wearing all whites/grays even that cape with off-class/spec stats is better than zero stats.
You can try to flip it if you want but what if it doesn’t sell?
You’re out the deposit.
You won’t see a blue drop below level 20 and you might get a bad one like Moccasins of the Hare.
Well SoD has proven that banning them has been more beneficial.
Do you need green gear to level?
Is the game too tough to do it without those items at that stage of the game?
Haven’t players leveled to 60 naked, with whites & greys, or as a melee mage? Is there a big penalty for dying and trying again or going slower then you want?
You need gear to level period.
If the quests gave green gear instead of whites this would be a non-issue.
Bringing up random edge cases where people challenge themselves is silly.
One dude leveled in every expac up to MoP completely butt naked, but that was just one dude.
That’s like tanking Rag with zero fire resist.
Can you do it? Yes.
Is it a good idea? No.
If you don’t have gear is experience reduced?
I thought you’re all about leveling, what’s wrong with it taking a little longer so you have more gold for later?
Is the game built so that you need to buy gear at early levels to progress?
Or does it really only become more of a glaring issue when in end game content? Like tanking a 40 man boss?
If you don’t have gear you die a lot easier and there’s more down time, it also takes you longer to kill the mobs which increases the time it takes to level.
There’s a reason that people do the few quests that give blues ASAP.
See: Warriors and the WW Axe that you’re not supposed to get until level 40 but everybody does it at 30.