No gdkp is a bad idea

I want you to prove to me that the GDKP ban had any effect on SoD population. The GDKP scene wasn’t even off the ground very good in phase one. I know because I was there.

Brother, you’re a gold buying cheat lord who won’t get his way in fresh. I couldn’t give a wet fart about what you think.

Scream at the clouds as loud as you want. You won’t be RMT’ing your way through this. I don’t care at all if fresh is as popular as SoD (which is hilarious given your dumbass assertions about the popularity of SoD)-it’s fresh and you cheaters won’t get to ruin it.

That’s more than good enough for me.

It should.

Since sod was phased which made it much worse.

The biggest decline was pre MC.

You can hit 60 on fresh right away.

Not really apples to apples.

Thats fair. I was merely pointing out that the omission of P2W will not keep Fresh from being popular on the raiding scene.

There is going to be plenty of gold buyers.

You keep saying this like if one person buys gold its the same thing as entire raids swiping for pixels.

There was a drop in players just prior to Phase 2 but after the GDKP ban was announced, and the scale of it looked exactly like the drop off we see at the end of every phase, starting from Classic 2019.

Phase 3 did show an overall large dropoff in numebers, but many attribute that to the content being generally considered far less accessible than the previous two phases.

I don’t believe there is any evidence that suggests the diminishing SoD player count has anything to do with the GDKP ban. It would be just as easy (and faulty) to say that players don’t like GDKP because SoD is currently showing 4x to 5x more raiders logged (per than Era does.

Personally, while I have no doubt that some folks quit SoD due to the ban on GDKP, the magnitude is grossly overstated. As someone who doesn’t like the impact GDKP has on the game, whatever these losses are, I find them acceptable.

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I don’t think fresh needs gdkps, the whole reason I prefer gdkps is for alts for when you get into the “harder” content like pre nerf vashj, or heroic Lich King.

Organized gdkp discords are all well vetted players who are able to do the content.

Imagine trying to kill pre ICC buff heroic LK in a SR/HR trade chat run lmfao.

At its core and as much as you hate it, the gdkp discords are a pretty chill community.

Back to my point tho, classic content isn’t hard enough to care about bad pugs, they will exist but it’s a lot easier to say get people to clear MC than Heroic LK.

All no gdkps mean for most of us is we don’t play alts.

I legitimately believe anyone pushing GDKP needs to have their accounts investigated for gold buying AND gold selling. 100% theyre hip deep in one or both.

Its not even a secret.


I was there aswell. Im sure the immediate population drop had nothing to do with it :roll_eyes:

And here’s how i know you have 0 thought behind your arguement.


I don’t PuG, it aggravates me but I’ve never had issues getting into a guild that clears content.


Good for those of you that have patience to play in pugs or to try and form them, that would drive me crazy. I’ve always preferred to have a stable group and routine time to raid. But to each their own.


Era servers still have GDKP if you need a fix.


I think you would be correct. I’m sure there are a few people that join the P2W raids that don’t buy or sell gold but those people are the exception. They are also participating in the distribution of illicit gold. After seeing the results of SoD I would bet that every iteration going forward prohibits the P2W/GDKP raiding model.

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“Trust me bro.”


The fact that you gdkp nerds are completely unapologetic or even unable to acknowledge at all the fact that GDKP completely ruins every facet of the game when it takes hold and just won’t admit that you couldn’t care less as long as you get gear with your bought gold is the most annoying part about all of this for me.

The happy bit about it is-it really doesn’t matter because you won’t be doing it in fresh.

" Normal folks would practically have no chance at a super rare item like legendaries, it will be HR only to raid with leaders friends. Wake up people! Gold buying is the way! " is what i hear.


No, you didn’t quite understand everything.

I don’t play in pugs, I main raid in a guild.

If there is no gdkps I won’t make an alt because I hate pugs.

Organized gdkps are pugs by name but it’s all good players who can clear the content without wipes, that’s where my alts would go.


Same to you?

“Trust me bro”

Brah you have no argument.

This argument has been going on for over a year blizzard is not going to bring back GDKPs get over it

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I asked you to prove your stupid claim. You can’t. I’m done with you. Enjoy your stay in fresh without GDKPS.

This wasn’t about liking or disliking, it was about RMT, gold farmers, and the economy.

GDKP’s were the #1 driving force behind illegal RMT, which encourages gold farming bots to come out en masse and ruin the game for everyone else.


Having a server with no GDKP and fewer alts sounds like what I’m looking for. Again, for me, this is a veritable win win.

Did you join any? that sounds full of judgement. I did host a 3 hour MC run. We did enjoy the journey, the struggle. We chat a lot, I made friends that we PVP with till TBC. You win some items, lose some. The gold is then shared, it’s perfect for PUG. As an individual you can earn more gold to improve your chance of winning. I can’t see any flaw with the loot rule.

Really? No flaws?

I mean all you have to do is look at the state of cata and era if you want to see the flaws (multiple, many) with it.