No Focus Unit = Unsubscribing 2nd Account

Whenever I see 7 clowns following the mother clown I always report them. These are bots for me. It should be bannable. I don’t understand how they can allow this sh!t. I guess Blizzard only cares about money.

Alternate targets (focus equivalent) was heavily used in Vanilla by healers and as assists or CC, and Focus was heavily used in Retail for the same purposes. “Normal People” rely on focus more than multiboxers. I simply had a method that allowed a pocket healer without any additional tools.

Now that they’ve removed it, and I don’t wish to use third party tools, I’ll be cancelling the account, and I imagine others will too.

This is simply the only financial way to get Blizzard’s attention.

If you want to provide agreement for #NoChanges without supporting multi-boxers, maybe post here.

And literally every one of your reports has been ignored by blizzard, considering they explicitly defined multi-boxing as allowed behavior. I don’t understand how you can get so upset over someone controlling an army of accounts in an inferior fashion.