No Focus Unit = Unsubscribing 2nd Account

The underlying code of this slash command is to set the focus unit ID. Nothing more.

This does not require a Focus Frame.

The “Vanilla equivalent” to /focus target is:

/script focus=UnitName(target).

The “Vanilla equivalent” to /cast [target=focus,exists] Polymorph is:

/script TargetUnitByName(focus); if UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("Polymorph"); end

None of that requires a Focus Frame.

Everything I can find points to focus functionality being introduced in TBC. Do you have any evidence to the contrary?


I literally just posted the 1.0 macros for you to do the same thing.

I can make up macros and claim they worked in Vanilla too. Post evidence, nothing about focus appears in any of my searches prior to knowledge of the focus changes coming in 2.0.1.

Multiboxers are so annoying


Magic…almost like you’re not the first person to ask the question, and not the first person to fail to read the post.

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Your passive-aggresive nature is duly noted. Thanks for the link anyways, I’ll read it now, if you’ll allow me to do so without being so snide and insulting.

Your inability to accept that your argument is old and has been shot down repeatedly is also noted. Why is it my responsibility to educate you personally? I mean I get that Guild Banks are the Nanny request, so people can have their noses wiped, but this is a technical thread, with a lot of technical answers in it.

Do me one last favor and link me the exact text that shows these macros and focus functionality was in Vanilla, from the page, please. I can’t seem to find it.

It literally shows the 1.0 version and then shows the 2.0 version. In the 1.0 version they specifically use the name “MT” for the LUA variable to avoid confusion with the name “focus”.

It doesn’t impair multiboxers at all. With the macro ability to multibox being disabled, Multiboxers will just ultimately resort to using 3rd party software which could make them even stronger than just using macros.

Is the fact that I am having trouble generating any empathy for this issue just me?

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Was this functionality limited to raid groups?


Some of the 3rd party stuff is against ToS.

Which is why I’ll be cancelling the 2nd account without focus. I have no desire to use third party tools.

Yeah, I get it. I don’t know what to say man.

Ask your raid healers how they feel about it.

I am one of the raid healers. Nope, still no empathy.

I have never understood why Blizz even allows multiboxing.

They do so I don’t complain but that doesn’t mean I have to have empathy when it is more difficult to multibox.


You don’t want focus back? One of the few then.