No Focus Unit = Unsubscribing 2nd Account

It affects group content too.
And it doesn’t stop multiboxers.


more unnecessary ignorance


In what universe is paying for an unfair advantage not cheating?

I see what your saying, Your right, it should be in the game based on that. I agree. But if it’s not done, how would it kill multiboxing legitimately? I think it would make it harder but not impossible by any means.

The modern infrastructure includes the TBC added “built in” focus frame, which was NEVER part of vanilla. The modern infrastructure is not compatible with scripts, macros or third party add-ons.

In order to make the modern infrastructure compatible with scripts, macros and third party add-ons, it would need to be changed. Even if that change is minor, it is still a change and potentially opens a Pandora’s box for other changes.

The other option is to add the TBC “built in” version and potentially open a whole other Pandora’s box for further non vanilla conveniences.

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It would mean people are required to use third party tools. Many of these have been the basis of bans by Blizzard.

Blizzards universe, sorry to break it to you. You cannot get banned for it.

Also you missed the entire point of the thread, regardless of the outcome you will still get ganked by multi boxers, have fun!


And absolutely none of what you said refers to the focus unit ID.

lol well…buh bye…

So, tell us all how to achieve your goal without changing the infrastructure (and "adding the ‘removed’ item back into the API IS a change) or adding the TBC "built in version.

In the beta most of my macros worked without any real changes except for using target focus ect, not sure what you guys are using these days, but a simple keyclone program and the right macros and you def don’t need the 3rd party tools from what I saw during my beta testing. Bring me to the light Eloraell help me understand what you are saying!

Blizzard has no incentive to ban users as that would hurt them financially. The fact remains though that you have a distinct advantage by multi-boxing over those who do not. To deny that would be stupid. So essentially you are paying (which is not something everyone has the option to do) for an in-game advantage. I view it, and will always view it, as cheating. I am by no means alone in this line of thinking either.

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And your stance has no effect on the outcome of this topic, regardless of the outcome you will still be ganked by multiboxers. Great reading comprehension though, really good job understanding the thread. lmao


Noone is saying to add the focus frame, just the actual focus.
They don’t have to add compatibility with the vanilla scripts.
All they have to do is use the modern infrastructure they are already using in classic and just not remove focus. They are already using the variant that was created during TBC so there is no pandora’s box to open by adding focus. If there was they’d have opened it by adding all the other targeting variables that are currently in the modern API on classic.

There is no change to keep the focus in. Removing focus is a change that is unvanilla-like.

Using something that was added in TBC doesn’t open a Pandora’s box?

You assume I’m afraid of getting ganked as a holy pally. Watch me bubble bubble.

Focus was added in vanilla.

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This is incredibly intentional at this point, it’s been brought up multiple times in this thread that it was in vanilla as /script focus.

Reported for trolling


Not the “built in” version the modern infrastructure uses.

That was not added until TBC.


You’re just bundle of joy aren’t you?