No Focus Unit = Unsubscribing 2nd Account

I was playing vanilla as well but I wasn’t multiboxing nor do I plan to. So I’ll just assume it was /script you were using back then.

Your intentions of wanting Blizzard to reimplement something like this I am cautious to say the least. Any BC code should never be reimplemented in Classic. If it’s anything related to that then I have to say I’m against it. In any case, I hope Blizzard understands the cons on their end before they do any changes like this. Can’t say I’m the biggest fan of multiboxers either.


Not sure how much you have had to deal with multiboxing but in competitive PvP a well organized group will destroy multiboxers.

Crowd control is brutal. Spread them out and they take forever to recover.

That last bit about networking is about single minded as it gets. Play your way or not at all. Not everyone is here to network and many of us have our networks already.

I’m wondering how classic accounts are going to work.

Will it be like current where there will be multiple options in the drop down menu for classic as well. Or will it be one classic account per account?

It will be one per game account. If you have 8 active game accounts on your single Battle Net account, you will have 8 active Classic logins.

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You got anything supporting that? I haven’t seen anything about it mentioned, so I’m really wondering.

As much as CS can be official.

But logically, if they don’t do it that way, they’ll have a thousand requests to split accounts within a week.

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i don’t understand what is the god damn big deal with your whining…

Just do a macro that target the target of your main target … easy and simple.

Plus, i could focus target on the server stress test, so i do not udnerstan why you are giving birth to so many tears…

Also, people hate dual/multiboxers. Play like a normal person


Yes, crowd control the 10 chain lightnings hitting you in the face. Fantastic.

I can see you won’t be getting very far in this game. =/

I can see you have no idea what I was saying. Many of us have done our networking. Some in game some out of game. Networking is not required to accomplish anything if you already have a network.

You are saying that you will never need to group with people outside of your circle? That is ambitious.

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Nope, don’t attempt to mix what is being said into your own words.

The entire point of this thread is about being able to be independent and level a healers as a healing without needing to level as dps. In many cases, that’s friends already leveled and waiting.

If the lack of focus commands prevents that then there’s no point in having 2 active accounts. That’s not avoiding networking. That’s avoiding needing to have your existing network carry your new healer to catch up.

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I don’t care how you try to spin it bro. You are very clearly dependent on needing an advantage come classic. I will be playing a healer in Classic and playing with a group of friends. In fact, I will be leveling up primarily in a healing spec so that it works well within the group, so your argument about needing another account to level your healer really just falls flat.

People like you that crutch on these kind of loopholes should really be banned. Just play the game on a single account like everyone else and stop trying to buy your way through the game. It doesn't make the game more fun for you and it certainly is not fun for others that don't have the luxury of being able to afford multiple accounts.

Well said xD

Actually, it’s quite the opposite. This thread is about canceling that 2nd account. Not needing it. But, carry on with your crusade to make sure everyone believes what you believe.

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You know I have the ability to scroll up right?

Then you would have noticed I never said I have a 2nd account.

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Sure. Apparently you don’t have the ability to comprehend though.

Ristra is right, this was a post to say that without focus, I’ll be cancelling the 2nd account. I’ll still be leveling my healer solo as I always intended, but I won’t be paying for the 2nd account so that I can level alts with the healer helping out.

No focus, no need for the account. Its a financial statement because Blizzard has chosen to have a non-Vanilla implementation of this feature.

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OK. OK. You guys continue to change your argument. This thread was about focus targets being in the game. I stated that the purpose of wanting a focus target, using a second, third, fourth account, etc, which is what you said you wanted it for, was antithetical to playing classic and honestly the idea of fairness. You are saying that because you cannot have focus target, you therefore cannot have a second account

And then let’s revisit why this person wanted the account…

This is called multiboxing. Apparently you can still do this too as someone else in this thread already pointed out, but you guys seem to be too inept to read his post and realize that because you insist that it is not possible. Either way I think your reasoning for wanting focus target is not healthy for the game at large and you are essentially cheating. Ristra over here has been defending you and multiboxing, and its obvious he has done so, because he too is an abuser of this type of cheat.

If you are multiboxing, it is already not legitimate. Play like a normal person please.

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Im already waiting to hear how you guys want scripts to run your characters for you so that you can farm gold while not actually playing. I must inform you that this too is cheating.

You can play the game on a single sub. Most people play on a single sub.

Don’t worry you’ll be fine. Just use alt tab.