No Focus Unit = Unsubscribing 2nd Account

The ability to script it or usecthird party add-ons is no longer part of the infrastructure andvthey “built in version” didn’t exist in vanilla.

Tell us all how to “add” into Classic without changing the infrastructure to support those scripts and add-ons or adding the non vanilla TBC “built in” feature to Classic.

Despite the OP’s attempt to obscure, obfuscate and smokescreen, adding the “removed part” of the API back into that API is still changing that API and the infrastructure.

You still don’t understand the request, please read the new post.

I did read your latest spam thread.

First of all this just not true!
As a fellow multiboxer, and someone that was multiboxing in vanilla, I feel your pain however, there was no focus then. ya the macros were more op but there is plenty of ways to work around this, just macros, ie if your doing only 5 or less you can simply use party number like /assist party1
And for healer if you were using ur druid would be
/target eloraell
/cast (healspellhere)
or you can use hard coded macros ie
/assist tank
/cast (spell)
I am not saying its better!!! But I’m saying it can and has been done, and ill be doing it again, if your only using 2 accounts this is even more simple, I ran a team of warrior, mage, lock, shaman, priest, with only macros and a simple passing of keys, if you need more than that to play then I suggest you practice a bit more and get better at boxing!

Now in a raid situation this may get a bit more complicated, but with the right set up it is still very viable however you may have to take 2 or 3 min to swap out different macros going from party to raid, but most people spend that time getting ready for raid regardless, as I feel your pain, its not really as big a deal as you think it is.

You just have to adapt take this for example in the old ui, the cast sequence script macros were extremely bad, this was the old drop totem macro /run zL=zL or 0;local s={“Windfury Totem”,“Mana Spring Totem”,“Strength of Earth Totem”};local t=getn(s);local n=GetTime();if(n-zL>5)then qT=0;end;local i=1+qT-math.floor(qT/t)*t;CastSpellByName(s[i]);qT=qT+1;zL=n ie on totems,
you had to wait for the global cooldown to come up to drop another totem or it would skip a totem. I would trade that for a modern macro for focus any time!

I understand you being upset but this will not change they would have done the focus removal for pvp reasons not for multibox reasons. Would be nice to know if they disabled /follow in pvp combat tho, wondering what that work around will be like.

Quoting myself because you people seem to still not get it, and refuse to read why. But no keep being ignorant and not understanding the issue. Regardless of the outcome here you are still going to get ganked by multiboxers, how you all don’t get that is mind boggling and embarrassing.

The macros were the focus. Please read:

The focus was introduced at the same time as the target unit ID so unless you want to avoid targetting anything, they’re both the same.

You simply add back the variant they removed from the modern API.
They’re keeping the modern variants of every other targeting method. Are you advocating they remove the other modern targeting methods of the API too?

So, you want them to change the infrastructure?

They’ve already changed the infrastructure from vanilla wow.

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I thought the software that lets one keypress affect multiple clients simultaneously is legitimate and not a cheat. Technically you are still controlling everything your characters do with the same number of keypresses as any other player.

Also, if you just want your alts to follow you around, /follow probably still works. No focus target needed.

You can also macro your characters’ abilities. Instead of having your healer heal the focus target have it “/target Joe”, where Joe is your main tank alt.

We KNEW they were using the modern infrastructure.

You and the OP apparently want them to change the modern infrastructure in the name of convenience.

YES, convenience. Not having focus does not prevent healers from healing, CC being reapplied, etc. Those things may be more inconvenient to do, but they are all still possible to do–even without focus.

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The modern infrastructure INCLUDES focus. It is not a change to the infrastructure to ask them to include something that is already in the modern infrastructure.

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So your not talking about Focus target?

I guess maybe I don’t understand what your saying here, however, In the beta the info I got from a warrior priest standpoint these worked and I will be extremely basic,
/assist party1
/cast smite

/target party1
/cast lesser heal

also worked like this
/assist (tanks name)
/cast smite

/target (tank name)
/cast heal

is this what your referring to or something else because it was all working very nicely in the beta so far. I couldn’t test more then 2 because i didn’t have enough accounts to work with to test more then 2.

Also if its hard for me to understand what your trying to get at with over all my years of macros and multiboxing I’m sure that i am not alone.

This will help you understand.

It has already been explained MULTIPLE times in this thread, go back and read.

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Those are examples of the modern API that is still in classic. Focus is another variable of that (i.e. party1) which got removed only for classic for some reason.

Multi-boxing is cheating anyway so I’m actually happy with this.

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It affects group content too.
And it doesn’t stop multiboxers.


more unnecessary ignorance


In what universe is paying for an unfair advantage not cheating?