No Flying Realms for Wrath

Naxx as well

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You have done it, you have managed to unite the general forums on one solitary thing, we all agree your idea is stupid because no one in their right mind Wants to gimp themselves for no reason


No I don’t.

The No Flying servers would be dead on day one, I guarantee it. Especially since Wrath endgame zones were designed with flight in mind.

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No one ever said anything remotely like this.

You seem pretty threatened by the idea of no-flying servers. It doesn’t affect you tho so you should really just move on.

I disagree. I feel that every zone in WoW is vastly more enjoyable when you’re forced to explore it without flying mounts.

Too bad the game is already being constantly changed and is already filled with numerous changes. No LFG for example. If we’re going to get changes then I suggest we get good ones. No LFG being a good change. No flight would also be one.

Its funny how you ppl that hate the idea of no-flight and know for a fact that you’ve seen hundreds of threads suggesting that we get rid of flight over the years but many different people and yet you keep trying to gaslight ppl that they’re the only ones who want it. Sad.

What are you talking about? I never said they were 100% accessible by ground. I told the people acting like these zones are extremely intraversible by ground and CAN ONLY work with flying mounts that they’re wrong. These places are extremely traversible by land. With very very little obstacles in the way of making them 100% traversible by ground mounts.

Read my post.

You ppl know that this solves literally nothing for people that want no-flying mounts and yet you keep saying it anyways. Are you just trolling?

What are you talking about? You ppl sure get mad easily at ideas you hate. Is that what happened? You people get mad, tried to report my post and get it deleted because that’s how much you rage when the idea of no-flying is talked about? Is this why no one talks about no-flying anymore when there used to be hundreds of posts about it? You all reported them into oblivion. Well I won’t be that easily silenced. Sorry.

No I do not have the option to play in a server where flying mounts are not an accessible tool. That’s as idiotic as playing a game with fast travel and just not using it rather than outright disabling it.

This is the problem with the modern retail WoW “player”. You don’t understand that the essence of videogames is overcoming obstacles. Including consistent, constant obstacles that the world presents. If you are tired of going through the world of most games, then most people stop playing the game. MMOs shouldn’t be treated differently. You treat the world in World of Warcraft as just another obstacle to your goal of being max level and getting max gear. Removing obstacles ruins games not enhances it.

Not threatened in the least, I’m just being honest. Didn’t happen in bc reboot and won’t happen in wrath either.

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Doesn’t seem like a terribly smart thing to do, does it? It sounds like it’s incredibly easy to silence you. I mean, it kinda seems like you practically silence yourself on request.

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I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you have managed to have a post active for nearly 3 days and don’t have a single like. I mean normally I wouldn’t put much stock in likes, but to have managed not even a pity like in this long is telling. Even obvious troll posts at least get one.


If so many people want it, why did no flying cause such an uproar during WoD when they tried to remove it. Also what’s to say the majority of the players want no flying, I see just as many calling for no flying as I see asking for flying to be available day one and not gated for half the expansion.

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So you don’t like flying, but you want everyone else to be as miserable as you, got it.

Flying needs to be 100% a part of the game, not just a means to get from A to B. Should look something like this:

Now that would be cool, that’s what a flying mount should do, area effect knock back on landing followed by helping you fight.


This I believe

No, I really don’t

And I believe I have folks on my side.

In Icecrown off the west side there’s a flight path and a town in the water, get there without flying.
Or to the tops of the pillars in the basin the quest chain directs you to.
Or the far northern points to do daily’s for the tournament… imagine doing all those daily quests without flying.

Just NO.

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The big problem is that there are 3, not 1, not 2, but 3 raids that are inaccessible without flying. 2 zones which are incompletable without flying. You’d be substantially changing the world, and the progression of characters to fit your “no fly zone” idea.

Also, LFG still exists; DF is a maybe; as we haven’t heard distinctly that it won’t be added in some fashion. Flying is an essential part of Wrath. If you can’t handle that, don’t buy it. Nothing requires you to buy it, except the aforementioned content, which you’d be choosing to skip anyways on your “no fly zone” realm.

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This just causes further division to a community that it’s bound to die slowly because there is no new content.

So no, but thanks for the suggestion.

Poor troll attempt. Wrath zones were designed with flight in mind. Try again with a more plausible argument.

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No. Just no.


When the world is telling you you’re wrong… actually more specifically when the chucklheads on the forums are all telling you you’re wrong then clearly you are saying something that needs to be said. Gonna keep this thread alive for as long as possible. And there’s numerous people that want no-flying. I’ve talked to hundreds of people in game in classic. Maybe not so much in retail. But clearly these people rarely ever go to the forums. But fyi, since you ppl like to pretend im the only one. There was a post in the classic discussion forums just last week saying they wanted no-flying and it got numerous likes. Guess your guys little narrative doesn’t hold any water huh?

“Muh no likes” lol get real. The more people that hate my post tells me that I just need to dig in.

Because so many people clearly hate it too. I mean… it should be pretty obvious that I said “You want. We all want it” as bait for responses. Worked pretty well!

Do you really think that this is what that means. Do I need to explain to you in detail the error in your logic or are you going to try and figure this out for yourself? If there was a weapon put into the game that allowed you to 1 hit any boss and it makes yourself invulnerable everyone would want to have it. Everyone would want the power to solo raids. But should that thing be in the game? Clearly it shouldn’t be. Just because people want something doesn’t mean it’s good for the game. I like having the ability to rapidly travel where I need to be. But i know that it has a cost. A cost that isn’t worth the benefits.

I’m pretty sure I already did that… with that mage floating ice on the water thing.

Try actually reading my post and then try responding again.

So you admit to being a troll, got it, now I know to ignore anything else you post, ty for the heads up.


Did you really just compare a one shot ability/weapon to how we get around? Do I need to explain the error in your logic.

That isn’t even remotely close to what I said. A lot of people want flying to stay. But a lot of people also don’t want flying. This statement isn’t a contradiction. But you are clearly a troll.

It wasn’t a comparison it was an analogy. Do you need me to tell you the difference between analogies and comparisons? Do you understand what logic is?

Maybe not, but either do you, so we stick with flying always and forever because we are both to stupid. Well you may want to stay on the ground, that up and down stuff may confuse you.

Let me further expound on my analogy. The point was to demonstrate that clearly the suggestion that just because players would want to have something doesn’t mean it should be in the game. Do you think blizzard should give everyone free gold? A million per player perhaps? No. Why not? Because this is something they should earn. Prices are an obstacle in the game that players need to consistently deal with. Players need to be able to earn their gold to get what they want.

Should Blizzard just give everyone free gear from all the strongest raid bosses? No. Because bosses are an obstacle that players need to overcome to reap the rewards of actually playing the game. And I am suggesting that flying, the utility that allows you to fly over all the obstacles the world of the game has to provide is antithetical to WoW, and all MMOs. Flying is bad for the long term health of the game.

Saying “But I already explored everything once. Just give me a flying mount so I don’t have to do it ever again!” Is like saying “But I already defeated all the hardest bosses. Why should I have to do it again with my alts? Just give me all the best gear from those bosses that I already proved I can earn on all of my characters!” Videogames are built around overcoming obstacles and earning rewards. If you want further rewards you should overcome the obstacles again.

And as I explained earlier. Not flying forces players to navigate in-game environmental obstacles and go over bridges, travel through trails in between mountains or go through caves. Ask yourself why flying mounts aren’t allowed in most dungeons or instances. Why should this same logic not apply to the rest of the game? Yes. I could just not use my flying mounts in a game where there’s no flying mounts. What does this accomplish? It accomplishes me gimping myself with no benefit while everyone is in the skies and I get to interact with an empty world, save the few players that are leveling alts.

The point is to cultivate an environment where players are constantly bumping into each other and interacting in the world rather than only in instances. Flying drastically reduces player interaction outside of instances. That is one of the biggest problems with flying but not the only problem.

I am not trying to make everyone suffer. I am trying to make the game more enjoyable for everyone for the long term. Flying is what players want to have but it is not good for the game. Though clearly its very hard to take it away once that bell has been rung. That’s why I am suggesting it for classic wrath. Where people only have 3 or 4 flying mounts at this point. Rather than the hundreds that people have in retail. But no… everyone just keep calling me a toxic troll.