No flight zones in WoW

I was curious to see just how many zones in the game had flight disabled as of this date, and this the list I’ve come up with so far:

Normal quest areas:
Isle of Quel’danas
Eversong Woods
Vash’jir (while you can use a flying mount, you dont get flight speed as I recall)
Alcaz Island
Azuremyst Isle
Bloodmyst Isle
Wandering Isle
The Lost Isles
Isle of Thunder
Isle of Giants
Timeless Isle
The Maw
Zerith Mortis

Specialised areas:
Darkmoon Faire

If anyone knows of any I’ve missed let me know. I was rather surprised at just how many there ended up being. Some are very old, one has A physical barrier (Vash’jir being underwater) but many are just older content that has never been updated to allow flight.

You can actually fly in Vash’jir, but when you go underwater it gets very slow.


Vashj’ir does have flight. Players simply spend most of the time underwater in Vashj’ir because that’s where the content is in that particular zone.

I’ve flown to and from Vashj’ir many times and can continue to fly there above the water once I arrive.

Zereth Mortis will have flight in the near future and can be removed from the list of no flight zones as well.


It’s strange. I have fond memories of most of those.

There’s a kinda-no-flight-zone to the north of Eastern Plaguelands where Eversong and Ghostlands should be sitting. It’s an invisible wall starting right past the gates of Stratholme and encircling the entire tip of the continent on that map, with smoke textures and heavy fog to hide the uninstanced Stratholme map (which is oddly the Vanilla alpha version) and other unfinished/unsculpted terrain.

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“Laughs in druid” zoom zoom


Characters in race or class starter instances (e.g., DK and goblin starter zones) are too low to fly anyway, so I don’t really count them as “no flight”. The times I notice no flight are the ones I can enter on a lvl 30+ toon that has learned expert riding.

All of those should have flying. Aside from Vash because it’s underwater obviously

OK adjusted that :sunglasses:

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Flying mounts above water in Vashj’ir move at the same speed as any other zone. It’s a Cata zone where we could fly while leveling. Mounts underwater, not surprisingly, move more slowly than mounts that are above water, including in Vashj’ir.

I took an alt there that I didn’t realize hadn’t unlocked Vashj’ir yet. 420% flight speed above water and 67% movement speed on a flying mount underwater - the same as any other zone. The mount speed is the same as when I went to Dustwallow Marsh (because I was on my mage that had a Theramore portal). I flew to Vashj’ir from the westernmost tip of Dun Morough to the island in Vashj’ir that’s above water because I can. I unlocked the Sandy Beach, Vashj’ir flight master that is above water.

Then I had the idea to check the mount speed with a toon that did have the Vashj’ir underwater breathing ability (“Sea Legs”) unlocked.
420% flight speed above water.
Mount speed varies undewater (all speeds with the “Sea Legs” buff):
148% movement speed on a flying mount underwater (the same speed as swimming in Vashj’ir without a mount)
270% movement speed using the Subdued Seahorse
371% movement speed using the Vashj’ir Seahorse
Underwater movement speed is slower than flying. I found the varying speeds among seashorses in Vashj’ir interesting - it’s definitely best to use the Vashj’ir seahorse when underwater in Vashj’ir.

Yep, I get tht, I hestitated to include the zone on the list since it isnt specifically a no flight zone, just a difficult flight zone. Ill leave it on if for nothing else because you aren’t flying in the air but in water which is certainly weird.

There’s also something like 650% speed on druids in aquatic form. IDK why, but that’s what I remember when doing the hivemind quest in that zone.

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Going 700%+ underwater never gets old.

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Most of the TBC ones would require major updating to enable flying (Eversong, ghostlands, azuremyst/bloodmyst isle, Quel’danas).

Wandering isle makes total sense, since you’re supposed to be leaving there around level 10 (since it’s a starting zone), same with Kezan and Lost Isles.

Oh I do know that the old BC zones and the newer starting zones are never likely to be changed, I was merely listing everything for completion. I should probably include Exiles Reach but I guess that one is pretty obviously not for flight given the level restriction.

I wish this world of warcraft was my only problem. an RV I paid cash for from RV Land in Kyle Texas was stolen. My kid’s mother is black, Bastrop police County Texas was ready to help me, but when they saw my kid, They said we don’t do standby. The whole police department is racist.

Right, I just listed those specific zones and reasons for the benefit of the person who said “All of those should have flying.”

The legion fishing pole is good like that too.

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That was a lot of fun.

That’s awesome! I skipped Vashj’ir on my Druid unfortunately, but may have to try it for fun at some point.