No flight paths anywhere

It feels kinda weird to have all these questing hubs in zones that don’t have flight paths in them. On the Alliance side at least. Thousand Needles, Badlands, Swamp of Sorrow, etc. all have a dozen Alliance quests there but to get to them you fly to a zone next to them and walk over there.

Is there any zones like that for Horde? Like a quest hub in a contested zone that they have to travel from another zone to reach?

Horde have better leveling experience overall. WPL and Blazted lands require outside travel.

blasted lands is pretty much ignored unless your killing kazzak. even so, stonard is right on the border anyway

1k needles fp is right on the border with feralas. one step away.


Questing hub?? What’s that??

All we do now is sit at the entrance of dungeons while a mage pulls every mob to us.

Am I leveling wrong?


Yeah Horde has the advantage with flight paths for sure.

You haven’t played Warcraft 3 the original non-refunded version, have you?


West Plaguelands and Blasted Lands come immediately to mind. There are probably others I’m missing.

1k needles has the feralas fp at the border of 1k needles and gadgetzan at the other border
badlands has the fp near the border of loch modan
swamp of sorrows has the fp near the border of the blasted lands

You thought you did, but you didn’t. Nethergarde Keep is effectively the Swamp of Sorrow FP. Similarly, Gadgetzan is the Thousand Needles FP. Loch Modan is the Badlands FP.

This. If you’re on a pvp server you can level til almost your 50s without flagging for pvp as Horde. Alliance don’t get that luxury. Plus zeps work better than boats, but Horde love grabbing Theramore to Menethil on occasion. LOL

There’s a Thalanaar at the border with Feralas and Thousand Needle. Horde have a more centralized FP. Alliance have to know where they need to go before flying.

I don’t mind it so much, but that’s personal opinion/preference.