No flag mark is shown on map when asking guard for locations

Not sure if this is a bug, I haven’t played retail for a while, today when I logon and ask guard for locations (was asking about auction house in Orgrimmar), there is no flag mark shown on the map any more, it is simply dialogs.
I have tried to delete WTF, Interface and Cache folders but still the same.

Please see if this is a bug


Maybe they shut down the AH. :frowning:

well, not just AH… I tried to ask for other locations and none worked. I tried in classic servers and it worked fine…

Possibly related, in Bastion there is a Golden chest up today and the boss steward will normally mark your map with the location of the steward-of-the-day, but today there was no map marker.

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Same issue in Stormshield. I asked for directions to the bank and the flag didn’t show up on my map. It was working fine a couple of days ago.

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Also may be the same bug, not showing battleground objectives on the map or minimap. Can’t see the capture points in arathi basin or deepwind gorge so I’m not sure which faction controls them

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I have the same problem !

I also reported different bug on the map in this topic.

same bug in Battlegrounds

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