No Dungeon Finder is a good start, but it's not enough

Ever since this change has been announced, one thing’s been bothering me. While it’s nice that Blizzard recognized that one should not sacrifice social aspects for the sake of convenience in PvE, why have they not done the same for PvP?

So for WotLK Classic, I recommend the following changes:

  1. Remove random battleground matchmaking. You should not longer be able to solo queue for battlegrounds. If you want to queue for WSG, you should only be able to do so when you’re in a group of 10, 15 of AB, and of course 40 for AV.

  2. Remove teleportation to battlegrounds. Since we all agree one should not be able to level up to max level without leaving Stormwind, then surely we all agree that one should not be able to get exalted with WSG faction without ever even stepping foot in Ashenvale. We need people out there in the world, it’s an MMO after all, not a lobby game.

  3. Make all PvP content server-specific. No more retail cross-server nonsense. We should only be able to play with and against people from our own servers. Think of all the new friends and rivals we would make, instead of having to fight nameless randoms we will never see again.

Now someone might look at these changes and say, “that’s insane, I would never be able to find groups and would simply not do this content at all”, to which I say, then go to retail, duh. Or alternatively, buy brand new honor packs from the in-game cash shop for people who want to get in the action and play with their friends without having to go through the pesky grinding and gearing process. Pay ten dollars get ten thousand honor, simple and elegant solution to everyone’s problems.


We also need in game cash shop selling all gears for people who don’t have time to play this game.


Uhhh I’m all for lfd, But the reason it was removed was to sell their new 70 boost. Any other justification is pure COPIUM.


we already have that is called GDKP…

Masterful, simply masterful. :stuck_out_tongue:


Very elegant solution and good points to preserve the social aspect of PVP. Make new rivals not forget faceless randoms!

Imagine joining a bg and going “who’s gonna defend farm?” And someone says “I haven’t defended in a while but I can try”.

I’m getting goosebumps thinking about the long lasting friendships we will form from these epic social experiences.


PvP would literally be unplayable with these restrictions in the OCE region… we have LITERALLY 1 or 2 battlegrounds going during the week… let alone when you make it inconvinient for players to queue from city hubs AND need a scheduled premade to even queue…

Sorry, but this is a hard pass from me. I am fine with them pushing for no-LFD because I only really do them for the gear so as to progress to raids… where as battlegrounds i do for FUN between the scheduled times i have for arena.

If you were to say, add RBGs with thess restricions… sure they would still be crappy suggestions but it couls still work.

PvP has pretty much ALWAYS been a “lobby” like game mode and quite frankly, the PvP community has NEVER complained on this pretty much ever. Whilst LFD has been argued and contested since it was created.

OP is being sarcastic my friend.


I shouldn’t be allowed on forums at 3am…

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Nonsense. They were gonna sell it enmasse anyway.

Another angry RDF post. PvP content is not the same as PvE. But good try!

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RDF is a cancer on the game. Good riddance it’s gone.

And RDF doesn’t do much for leveling. It didn’t come out til later in the expansion so is everyone going to twiddle thumbs at 70 until then?

I mean, if we have to sit in LFG looking for a group and then go out to the dungeon, least pvp should have to do is continue to go to battle/arena masters.

Another “mockery on PVP” thread where the suggestions are supposed to be totally asinine but I think they would make the game more fun with more of a server community instead of being bland and cookie cutter, where everyone just follows the same boring developer/min-max script and the only community is from things like guilds.

I still have friends from my Classic premades who quit the game but I talk to all the time. It was a community.

Speaking as someone who would be fine with RDF being put back in.

yea, some server must be ballance between horde and alliance

Wahhh im throwing a toddler tantrum because you did a thing i dont like. Take away a bunch of completely unrelated stuff from the people who disagree with me to make me feel better wahhhhh

Man what a quality thread. Totally not trolling.


Again, it’s not a them versus us. PvE content isn’t the same as PvP.


If we can’t have convenient queuing, neither should they, keep it like it is now. Pretty sure it came with RDF.

Now you’re just being childish.

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