No Dragonsworn? WHY new lore/Dracthyr?

Pretty much everyone up to the council is wondering, WHY new lore is being CONTRIVED to make a “draconic something” playable in World of Warcraft when there’s already so much rich lore in the game.

WHY are we playing as “Neltharion’s beta experiments”? Why not Drakonids? Why not Wyrmkin? Why are the Dracthyr not a “new kind of Dragonspawn?”

WHY Evoker? Why not DRAGONSWORN, a 5 spec class for all mortal races with some draconic flare? Or even a 3 spec with red/green caster healers, blue/bronze ranged dps, and black tanks?

Why not new dragonsworn custos for all races or armor sets that added scales?

OR why not a dragonsworn RACE with mortal glamors from all races that can be any/more classes?

The choices made for Dracthyr Evoker are just…pulled out of nowhere instead of pulled out of rich established lore and it leaves me feeling…underwhelmed.

Dragon flight, a draconian playable character, and dragon riding (WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT for Dragonsworn characters) has so much promise and yet all feel like they’ve JUST missed the mark, so close and yet SO FAR from what was wanted. This is becoming a typical Blizz trend, and I really hope that UNLIKE COVENANTS, Blizz will LISTEN to all these concerns in all these threads and fix these key features to give us a true fundamental “Warcraft Fantasy” expansion.

Fix Dragonriding so it’s NO GRIND BARRIER, fix the class/race so all races can play it, and fix the lore to be TRUE TO WOW BEFORE LAUNCH.


Way too much model work involved. If you look at the range of customization available for Dracthyr, they’re very obviously trying to limit the visual asset work to roughly the same amount that was required for Demon Hunters.

That I’m not sure of. The texture work to support these on Dracthyr would be minimal.

Black dragons experimenting with combining the different dragonflights and creating new creatures is well established by this point.

This however, is pulled out of nowhere.

Stopped taking it seriously at “5 spec class”