No Delve icons on world map, and rare icons suddenly gone too

Suddenly today, the icons for the Bountiful Delves are not showing on the world map. They do show on the zone maps, but when I hover over the delves (whether bountiful or not) I don’t get the same tooltip that I’ve gotten before. Yesterday, that tooltip was showing the stories and I could tell which ones I’d done (that part might be an addon function, but I haven’t updated anything since yesterday, and it was all working then, and no updates to my addons are available today).

Also, I don’t see the rare icons on the map now either, and they were all also there yesterday.

I’ve done a full UI reset, which didn’t help. I’ve completely restarted my PC, also no help. How can I fix this?

Because you didn’t actually do a full UI reset as you stopped at the last step where you reset your cvars to fix any issues not fixed by clearing out the folders. Now you don’t actually have to do that if you know the specific cvar that was changed, which I believe for delves is this one. I don’t know the one for the rare issue.

Try this
/run C_CVar.SetCVar("showDelveEntrancesOnMap",1)

Actually, I did do a “full UI reset” including the command shown on this page:

which obviously will reset that cvar.

It didn’t fix the issue.

That cvar apparently doesn’t have any effect on the issue I’m having anyway. When set to “0” none of the delve entrances show on the zone maps, whether bountiful or not. When set to “1” they do show. That’s not the issue.

The issue I’m having is that the entrances to Bountiful Delves should be showing on the overall map of Khaz Algar like they were just yesterday, and they’re not.

Sorry, but I’ve never actually seen delve locations on the zoomed out overview map. Here’s an addon that will do that though.

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also had my zoomed out world map bountiful delve icons disappear in the last week or so

Hey, thanks for that. It’s nice to know I’m not crazy believing that these icons used to be on the continent map and are suddenly missing!

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