No Darkshore portal in Boralus Harbor

So upon logging in earlier the Mission table indicated there should be a Darkshore portal nearby which can be used to access the zone new rare mobs ect. There was no portal up except the arathi one. Now I see that wowhead had made a post about Darkshore and the new world boss and how there should be a portal up in boralus harbor. Eagerly logged in and nope, no portal. Nothing.

Just to clarify, not asking how to get to darkshore without a warfront portal, only reporting that it isn’t there. Seems there’s also other people with the same issue on their servers as well saying the same.


You have to travel there via the Stormwind quest at the keep. Once you get to BAshalaran, take the portal back to boralus harbor. them boom, a 2nd portal shows up at the WF table

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How are other players who arent in this thread supposed to know there is a portal in stormwind keep to unlock it?

Kinda seems like it might have been a good idea for the quest to start at or near the warfront table and lead to the keep.


I thought some ghostly owl triggered the quest in Boralus? Which leads you to the keep. The quest at the keep directs you to the docks, where the portal to Darkshore is at.

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That quest was last week though. So wait we have to complete that on every character to unlock the portal then I guess? I’m really baffled by this.

I thought that was a quest to unlock the Night Elf eye customization and unlock the Darkshore warfront, but if Im guessing correctly It unlocks the Night elf customization account wide, unlocks the warfront account wide, but only unlocks the portal for the character it is completed on.

Haha yeah portal is only available to the character which did the questline to unlock the warfront. So it unlocks the warfront account wide but not the portals lol…bit of an oversight there.


Wait, we have to do Tyrande’s Ascendance, on Alts, just so they get the Port opened to Darkshore?


Just have to do the first hand in, in stormwind keep to unlock portal, don’t have to do the full chain.

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I’ll have to check, if this is True, thank you oh so much.

The portal to Darkshore is right next to the Arathi portal now. Sometimes when events like this pop, you may have to log off/on to get them to show up for a character

I’ve done the Night Warrior questline on three Alliance characters, two of the three could actually see the portal but one could not and still cannot despite logging in, logging off ect. As well none of my 120’s that have not done the quest cannot see the portal either so there has got to be something bugged with this portal.

I just want to farm my bear mount :c

On my main, I did the night elf/darkshore quest line and my main can see the portal
On my alt, I did not do that quest line and it cannot see the portal in boralas, but if I go to the zone I can see the wq’s. No idea if it can see the 3 regular quests but those rewards were really minor (400 total war resources and 300 ap)

Just did a test, on an alt I turned in just the quest “On Whispered Winds” to Maiev in the Stormwind and then just went back to Boralas without picking up another quest and I could see the portal now on that alt. So you do NOT have to do the whole questline, you just have to turn in that quest to Maiev

The other option, assuming it is like the Horde-side was, is to not start the chain at all. I know it is hard to resist a yellow !, but if you just don’t start the quest chain at all on your alts the portal will be there. If they have only accepted the first quest and not proceeded any further, abandon it and the portal should reappear.

Can confirm that picking up the quest “On Whispering Winds” removes the portal, abandoning it or turning it in returns it.

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I’m not on the “On Whispering Winds” quest, I completed it on my main, and can no longer see either the Arathi or Darkshore portal in Boralus on that character.

Logging in/out doesn’t fix this. I can get there other ways but it’s not as convenient. :confused:

Definitely appears to be bugged.

Not bugged.

When you can queue up for the warfront’s “siege” instance, it’s portal is removed. Alliance can queue for both instances since yesterday or Sunday. Once Alliance “wins” a warfront it’s portal will come back. Check the warfront table and it will show you how long each Warfront has remaining.