i really find it annoying people come into these threads and claim no bug you are just doing it wrong.
Everyone should know, since this has been happening for three expansions, if the world quest didn’t trigger when you go into an area you aren’t getting credit. That is just how things work.
So people coming in and saying that is just clouding the issue and makes it longer to get the real bug fixed.
That’s definitely not what happened. I finally had mine count after the 4th attempt, and I didn’t even tag one of the bosses. I’ve been in groups where the bosses were in the dead center between each platform, one dragged to the other’s platform and both killed there, and any number of combinations that have actually worked in the past.
There are just bugs that really need addressing, but until Blizzard actually believes what they’re seeing is a bug, they’ll keep it on the backburner for “later” that never comes (see Grasp of the Underking quest in Highmountain as it’s still bugged after 8 years).