No Credit for Kickin' With the Wick

I am not receiving credit for the " Kickin’ With the Wick" achievement that involves being cursed with all 4 of the wickermen curses for the Headless Horseman fight. I have, so far, made two attempts at this.

Edit: I was able to the achievement on the third time. I did my best to not get hit by any of the curse abilities and made sure to kill my ghost before it reached the horseman. So if anyone else has issues, here’s hoping that can help you like it helped me.

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Just did it on my BrM monk and Prot Pally. Had all 4 curses, no achievement on kill.


Same thing happened to me. Did the whole fight successfully with the curses, then seconds before he died all the curses just disappeared from me and I got no achievement.


Did you still have the curse debuff after the kill? It remains post-kill if you were indeed successful.

There’s a very hidden thing about the curse challenge wherein it acts as a cheat death if you were to die. So if you end up with like 5 stacks (-50% max health) and die to the Horseman somehow, you are healed to full and the curses are removed. Thus, it isn’t readily apparent that you might have failed the challenge.

I’m not saying this is happening in every case of these reports, but I can guarantee some people are expecting true death to indicate failure of the curse challenge, and that isn’t how it works.


I got it on most on my toons but none of my healers.

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Same, Did on my BM hunter, all 4 curses active. (I guess I will try on another alt. Really don’t want to do it again but w/e. )

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Honestly not sure. I just know i started with all 4, and didn’t get the achievement. It was kinda weird cuz i did it on 5 different tanks, all level 70, 430-444 ilevel and didnt get it on them. Went on my warlock as dps, got it first try.

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Yeah not sure then. I’ve tanked it on this character each time and never got more than 3 stacks of the debuff; as a tank it seems nearly impossible to die on the revamped fight unless you attempt to stand in literally everything. If you happen to experience a 2-second stun at any point in the fight, that’s the only possible sign that could indicate the challenge being failed (since the cheat-death applies such a stun).

I did notice the paladin in my group this morning seemed to lose his curses when using Divine Shield, so that could be one weird interaction.

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I tried to get the achievement on 4 runs, it didn’t work. My character didn’t died, everyone survived.

So I tried clicking on little wickermans intead of the big one, and it worked. I got the achievement. I guess it’s bugged for some people, I don’t know.


Got it today. I lowered my spell density from almost everything to most, I dodged super carefully as not to get hit (on BM hunter), think it’s easier to see the mechanics as ranged. And I picked the middle wicker for all curses. I also tracked myself as target to see all curses were up during the fight. Not sure if there is a weakaura yet but just dodging and doing mechanics it worked this time.

so no actual confirmation if it’s bugged or just requires unspecified conditions to achieve?
great work as always Bliz


7 times no credit. Blizzard just list what hs to be done. geez

Come on Blizzard we’re doing what the achievement tells us to do so why no credit and why no loot? Just another example of bad mechanics. I also completed 15 quests in Pandaria that gave my alt experience and zero credit towards the Trading Post.

Just completed the achievement by:

  1. Click on the big guy in the middle and then activate all curses via his dialogue options.
  2. Make sure to NOT get hit by his abilities. I did not get hit by a single purple curse abilities
  3. Killed my ghost copy when it spawns, before reaching him
  4. When you are linked to a circle on the ground, run there before it explodes

I used primarily ranged attacks as it was easier to see all purple curses and dodge them.

GL all.

P.S. this did take me a handful of attempts.

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This isn’t really a requirement, as I’ve earned the achievement on all 13 of my 70s despite having gotten a stack or two of the debuff from taking a hit on a few of them. The only requirement is to not die once (thus triggering the cheat death and removing the curses); the stacks just make this harder to accomplish if you get hit by actual damage.

I won’t say that this isn’t bugged, as I’m sure there are some weird interactions given how little this was tested on PTR. But after the 26 additional runs I’ve put out over the past few days and seeing just how many people are failing the curses without realizing it (and a few that do, because they end up dying a second time for a true death somehow), I’m still leaning towards that being the primary cause here. There isn’t another stun in the fight, so if someone gets stunned at all with curses active then it means there was a death event and that is failure.

FWIW the most failures I’ve seen occurred due to taking multiple hits from the fire spray thing.

If you understand what to look for, it’s easy to know you’ve failed the achievement by dying and getting insta-rezzed.

As mentioned, you’ll be stunned in place for about a second. There are no stun mechanics in the fight, so if you take a stun, you’ve lost the curses.

Also, there’s a huge purple swirl surrounding your character during the stun. Again, there are no purple swirl mechanics in the fight, so if that happens, try try again.

The achievement is a test of survival, and I suspect a lot of players aren’t used to being responsible for their own survival. “Don’t stand in the bad” is a cliche for a good reason.