No craftable bows is awesome!

who CARES who was wrong when they said this or that? repeatedly going “no you’re wrong” “no you totally got pwned” “no you” is a complete waste of time. OP wanted to be able to craft their own weapon instead of spending money. that’s all. even if they didn’t explicitly say that at first, they’ve said it at this point, so there’s no point being argumentative or smug about it

good god


They know that, it isn’t about right or wrong with trolls though. It is about the joy of trolling.

You’re gonna pop a valve. Take a breath. Your BP cant take this

I’m sincerely worried about his health. Look how worked up the fella is. Angry at the world. He’s gonna stroke out if he keeps this up.

I solved his problem already. Just has to take a breath.

Unbelievable! Snozay has fan bois??? I haven’t seen anything from him that would make me want to follow his social media. Completely bewildered.

PS - Typed with my glasses


You were actually wrong.

Here I’ll show you again.

Super exclusive

“Double kill!”

“Killing Spree.”


Oh. LoL. That explains everything

Omg becoming a troll is a textually transmitted disease.


That was funny

But lucky for me I’m not a troll.

Should I know who he is? I don’t frequent the boards enough to know anymore.

I just liked the cut of his jib as he eviscerated that easily frazzled chap.

I get the OP’s point. Making my own bows has been the main purpose of the profession for me as well, I just enjoyed that personally. Armor always felt secondary.

It’s not the biggest deal. I’ll probably just drop it and go double gathering.


are bows even obtainable this expansion? i feel like i’ve looked everywhere and theres been none from world quests and none on the AH.

looking at the list on wowhead, there’s currently one (ireborne stormbow) that very rarely drops from a boss in the rookery

splintershot silkbow will be coming with nerub-ar palace, forged gladiator’s longbow will likely be season 1 pvp…

…and yeah, i think that’s it. the rest are either trading post appearances (the feathered bows), pre-patch items (recruit’s sturdy bow), look to have had their source removed (the inscription recipe for colors of the wind is marked as deprecated), or just have no clear source

How was anyone supposed to research whether bows would be craftable by LWers in TWW way back in DF, before anything about TWW professions was released?

Being unnecessarily contrarian and pedantic actually is trolling. You’re contributing nothing but negativity to a conversation for the sole purpose of upsetting or riling people up.


It’s called beta. Which is released before tww is and posted everywhere. It takes ten minutes to google something.

Incorrect. Correcting poor information isn’t trolling.

And how many expansions in a row were engineers crafting hunter weapons and not LW ?

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Being a pedant snob while correcting people is trolling

you are being called out for several topics, from several people, even when people agree with you, because you have your own head so far up your own as$ with your aotc, pipe down a notch


my brother in christ
please tell me you’re not using a bow from the first tier of cataclysm as your argument of engineers can craft bows
because that’s insanely bad faith, no one in their right mind would use something from over a decade ago to win an argument, especially since it has 0 bearing on the conversation at hand
anyone with a brain would’ve known not to take that comment literally, and anyone who does isn’t doing it in good faith, but rather to try to bully someone or make them look dumb
lw has always been able to make bows in recent times
they could make them last xpac
they could make them in sl
it should’ve been beyond safe to assume they’d be able to make them again this xpac, even knowing that engineers always get a gun

please go hug your mother


It’s not trolling.

Several people that can’t even comprehend or read the statements in actually making.

I’m being very nice considering the majority of the people “calling me out” can’t understand the difference that saying “bm aoe isn’t tank levels bad” and “bm aoe isn’t bad”

I have never mentioned my achievements my guy. Please read.