I am having trouble starting the pride of kul tiras questline. Any insight as to why would be greatly appreciated.
The next quest is What You May Regret
oh the npc isnt giving me the quest sadly.
Which NPC are you getting it from?
Have you completed each KT’s 3 zone quest stories? I’ve done it 3 times and didn’t get the above quest until the character had completed the stories in each alliance zone
Oh! so I have loremaster achievement. but the individual meta requirements aren’t checked off. I faction changed too. I mean the achievements says I have all three checked off.
PS. okay I figured it out. I have to request through the zones again. the map throughout all three zones is showing 0 progress. thanks all!
i am having same trouble so do i have to complete all questlines, complete all war campaigns, and then i get quest? i have both but they are each on a separate char… My pally has done all questlines, but my hunt has done all war campaigns even the one leading to killing king rastakan