No Classic in 2019

Well basic literacy would suggest you are tying together several paragraphs that could be completely unrelated.

But hey try and tie several major paragraphs together.

Development is being restructured.

Cutting and prioritizing are 2 completely different concepts.

And you are trying to combine non-design staff with design staff…

So basically this was just a fancy way of saying “We’re laying people off so that we can save money and get the shareholders paid.”

The truth is none of us know exactly what projects he is referring to or the scope. Its best to just wait and see what is told instead of jumping to conclusions. It has effected the project in so much as a single CM that talked to this group has been laid off. This may not be permanent,it may not reflect any on the project or there could be more news to come. Arguing semantics based on a very indirect comment very much phrased for corporate/stockholder consumption is silly at best.

They straight up said they are laying off people from departments that they don’t need anymore because of previous expansions of the company and use that money to develop new games and to make the games they have now, better.

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Hahahaha oh man you are shooting for the stars in that interpretation of language.

They are cutting costs and restructing their design. The 20% increase on certain titles will come from other projects.

Those jobs being cut are to increase their profits.

I think you’re misunderstanding my simplification. I mean LITERALLY that’s all the layoffs are for. They’re not cancelling Classic or the other projects they already have in development, just cutting out personnel they’ve deemed non-essential.


I am doing the exact opposite. This is what YOU tried to do. You linked that article that talked about cutting projects that aren’t meeting expectations (when they were talking about non game dev staff) and then said “I hope classic is meeting expectations” (which is game dev staff)

I never said cut, postponement would be an accurate reflection of language.

De-prioritizing is another way of saying not as planned.

Open a thesaurus.

As any company should, and will do. This how you should run a business.

Not saying they shouldn’t. I’m trying to keep the language as neutral as possible here.

funny how improving stockholders confidence always correlates into layoffs and not better product ideas.


Cutting or de-prioritizing is irrelevant. You tried to tie that article to classic development when it in no way shape or form does.

Well we should get a release date in the next couple of months.

If not, and Classic is cancelled, Blizzard would never recover.

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Don’t expect ANY feedback from Blizzard until sometime this summer.

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Activision may keep classic in development, but with a keen on eye on making profits. In game store with all lik kinds ofthings to buy (hopefully nothing p2w), updating graphics and character models to entice the younger generation of gamers, sharding so no one is waiting around to tag mobs, guild banks for creature comfort and…an esport potential since they told us they want to sink resources into that.

If canning the classic CM isnt writing on the wall… i dont think any explanations would convince a portion of the population.

Lol plus lol

That is a stretch. Blizzard has cancelled many titles even right up to when they were complete and ready to launch. They do not shy away from not launching what they feel is not financially viable. Warcraft Adventures, Starcraft Ghost, the MMORPG Titan. Titan itself was in development for 7 years before they flushed it.

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He is a damn CM of a forum. It sucks he got fired but his position is probably the lowest on the totem pole in almost every since you can think of. There were plenty of other CMs that got canned as well not just him.


Just report him and move on, he trolls a lot of threads Frawshawk

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