No Classic in 2019

Op needs to change the title of the thread…it’s highly misleading.

Even PC gamer suggests we will only see WC3 reforged and Diablo mobile game in 2019 from Blizzard

Blizzard said themselves “Summer 2019” I think we should take their word on it unless they say otherwise.

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That was before yesterday’s announcement tho.

The fuller statement was “not planning a major frontline release for Blizzard in 2019”. WOW Classic is not and never has been a frontline release.

That doesn’t mean Blizzard will be taking the year off, of course. The company will be diving into its past catalog for previously announced releases like World of Warcraft Classic and Warcraft 3: Reforged, both coming later this year. Continuing games like Overwatch and Hearthstone will also see their usual slate of regular content updates.
Source =


Unless you hear otherwise from Blizzard itself, there’s nothing that points to Classic being off track from the release that should be coming in the summertime.

But since their not doing pre orders or beta testing it can still change.

I read it on the internet, so it must be true.

I can only imagine what would have happened if they talked up Classic WoW as a major new product during the earnings call. “So, we’re excited to release a game that came out in 2004, which will be available for free to anyone that already has a WoW sub, and which has significant overlap with people who are already our monthly active users, and it’s only form of monetization is $15 a month, or less, and we get no money up front from the cost of a box, and even if people buy a year sub up front, according to GAAP we have to defer the revenue and can’t recognize it until their sub is complete.”

I’m sure that would go well.

The only thing their statement means is that they aren’t releasing any barn burners in 2019 that bring in a billion+ bucks. That’s it.


So much this. When Bobby can announce the highest revenue in the history of Activision Blizzard and that isn’t them “reaching their full potential”, the people at the top are going to see Classic as an amount equal to change out of the cushions of the sofa.

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This is better click bait then the time my highschool sweet-heart said she was having a baby. - Winston Churchill

This. If you dont think changes are coming oh boy, some people are frozen in time.

The company needs to stop the hemorrhaging thats happening with revenue. Releasing a 14 year old game for free wont be high on the priority list.

I say this with the thought that they won’t be making changes, or at least not initially. I mean that Classic is largely going to fly under the radar of the suits at the top.

I would start to worry about corporate meddling far more if Classic is wildly successful and it gets the spotlight. The corporate overlords may decide that the sub fees aren’t enough for the shareholders, and they then try to shoehorn in monetization schemes.

At this point, you don’t want Classic released. Just admit it.

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Nah I am just realistic that the company does not need another PR nightmare and a botched release of classic considering the expectations is the last thing the company needs.

They have revenue issues and a class action lawsuit to deal with.

The last thing they need is the forums, social media and media companies roasting a half release.

Investors dont need further doubts at this point to turn this bear stock around.

I wouldnt be surprised it gets put on the shelf until times are more stable/predictable. Kind of like the high they were on when they said it was coming this year at the peak of the company.

Its food for thought thats all. Not sure why some people get overboard with this lol.

But what would i know… the mods just delete my posts that have predicted several of these events that occured.

Sorry I am not shilling their nonsense I can read thru their corporate lingo.

So, a company restructuring that places a greater emphasis on games development from non-development departments means they are not going to develop a reissued game (not a new game) they said they would release this summer? A reissued game that people have been excited and pushing for for years to the point that private servers were created and are waiting to spend money on (you know, that stuff that Activision Blizzard worships like its Cthulhu) without near the resource allocation a game like D4 needs.

I am trying to find the logic, but it is failing me. Stop worrying, the sky isn’t falling. They will release it this summer

If you are going to worry about something, I’d be more worried about a change of heart regarding giving it away for free and getting the funds from subscription.


ROI means everything. The bean counters will do the math.

Speaking as one who would only be coming back to play classic, full stop, this is not something I would worry about as much as celebrate.

IMHO keeping it completely separate from the loot piñata cash shop abortion would suit me just fine. If BFA etc is going to fail, I would prefer it not have a chance of dragging classic down with it.


Personally, I have a serious issue with spending money on something I already purchased, especially since this is not a remastered, special edition (which is the whole point of course). Subscription, no problem of course, but I don’t like paying for the same thing twice.


You are still playing what you originally paid for. You agreed when you began that gameplay would change.


In 2004, I think it is safe to say that the “reasonable man” (legal standard) would have expected “changes in gameplay” to fall within certain range. Or be restricted to the Expansions only, and not all-encompassing.

Just because I agreed to “changing gameplay” doesn’t mean you can sell me a copy of Mortal Combat Online or something comparable,and then over the course of the next several years turn it into Hello Kitty Island Adventure.