"No Character Found"

Final update: 42 or 43 characters. Turalyon, Area-52, Azuremyst, Shadow Council and Llane… -character not found. Scan and repair was done. No corrupted files found. /sadface

same here D=

I was just playing earlier, took a nap for about 5 hours and now I can’t play any characters. Realms: Sargeras, Emerald Dream, Area-52. This is incredibly frustrating.

Yep, they lost my characters also. Hopefully tomorrow will bring better news.

You know what this reminds me of? The opening of the gates of Ahn Qiraj. Logging back in for hours on end so as to not miss the one time event. Only to look around at everyone there and then to be quite unceremoniously be kicked out yet again. Yeah this is about on par with way back then. In vanilla WoW. I’m hoping that tomorrows maintenance will see a fix to this debacle implemented without further appearances of private snafu.

I was able to play fine last night up until about 2 hours ago tonight. However, now I’m getting the about 90% loaded and then kicked back to character select with “character not found” error.

Yeah also cannot make a new character, either. It cleared up for a while, then it started up again.

Also one of my characters would not log on, but now the game thinks he’s permanently in the game.

I was down for two days as most here. I uninstalled the authenticator from my account, closed and restarted the computer, reinstalled the authenticator fired up the game and got in.

Good luck.