"No Character Found"

Every time I try to log in it kicks me out of the loading screen at around 90% telling me my character can not be found.


Have been getting this for over an hour on low and high pop servers I play on. Grrrrrr :no_mouth:


I cant login either (forgotten coast, velen, and all the other servers i am on)

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Same thing here ! No caracter found wathever the server that I choose!

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Same thing here ! No caracter found wathever the server that I choose!

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Same here cant log in anything or create a new character

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Same Issue, this started after the last little patch you sent out. The Character Load screen is also slow to load


The best part about this “character not found” thing is my character’s Tmog literally keeps reverting back to what I had when i COULD log in (over an hour ago), then it changes like magic to the tmog i changed it to before i got kicked (56 minutes ago), and every single time I try to log on, my Tmog flips back and forth and back and forth, from old Tmog to new Tmog and changes every time I close WoW and reopen it in hopes that something got fixed.

I have to wait about 5 mins for my characters to appear, then all of them are coming back character not found. They are scattered over every zone. My wife is in and has no issues…

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Same - any fix for this yet?

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I’m getting this on high pop servers. I was able to log in earlier, but no longer can.

all of my characters are missing after you did a update just gone, and they do not show up on the servers I am on and I can not even create a character.

Same here. How is it that streamers are doin’ just fine? :laughing:

Looks like this problem is back again (at least for me). Getting “character not found” again on multiple servers and characters.

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Seems like servers just cant take the load of shadowlands AND everyone in a ‘retail’ environment. I was able to log in late last night fine when the population was low. Now early to late evening and they are bogged down again with this issue. So that means take the week after launch week off to play Shadowlands when it finally releases :joy:

This is happening again. This time I had to find my server because it didn’t say my characters were there. After going to my server finding my toons “Character Not Found” is back when I try to log in.



when searching Realms, no realm shows the number of characters i have on there.

Clicked on my Realm, Gul’dan, and it eventually populated my character list.

When logging in, tells me character not found.

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I am having this issue. When logged in, my realms are out of order. When trying to filter them, it treats them like I have no characters but if I find my realm and click on it. My characters appear, but unable to log-in due to “Character Not Found”

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Yes…this is my issue also :frowning:

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Windrunner, Darrowmere, Bladefist, and Bleeding Hollow 16 characters total and “Character can not be found on all of them?”

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