No Channeling Macro

I know there are some on the forums but I’m having an issue trying to get it to work. I don’t think it’s an ELVUI problem so much as, I’m doing something wrong.


/use [nochanneling: Cyclotronic Blast] Envenom

It’s for when I cast my trinket, I don’t end up moving on in my rotation as it’s been a huge issue for me cause I get tunneled.

Pins are your friend

/stopmacro [channeling]
/cast Envenom

I tried that last one, for example:

/stopmacro [channeling]
/cast Envenom

and mashed the next spell, still same result.

Is there UIs or addons which might be causing this?

Did you actually put the macro on your bars?

/use [nochanneling:Cyclotronic Blast]Envenom

I tried that too and nothing.

Yes, I cannot link urls or screenshots but I’d show you.

Basically, I opened macros, created a new and saved it, dragged the macro icon down to the bar and tried it. I ensured I did it with all my spells but notta.

So it looks like Cyclotronic Blast doesn’t count as [channeling] because it’s an item not a spell.

Just place them between code tags ` the restriction is only for embedding them.

Totally replied on wife’s account sorry, BUT I found a stop macro that works for this trinket. This is what I use on my monk.

/stopmacro [channeling:Fists of Fury]
/stopmacro [channeling:Cyclotronic Blast]
/stopcasting [channeling:Crackling Jade Lightning]
/cast Tiger Palm

edit: ALSO i noticed that the tiny window between the cast and the channel there is a point were you can break the channel because your not technically doing either. so you have to wait that little window out and once it starts channeling then you can start spamming.