No boomy form glyph!

Boomys need a glyph that doesn’t alter our base line form. I want to be able to see my xmog w/o the blue filter. Those emo tentacle players get to have one, why not boomies?


Just a toned down version of glyph of the stars would be nice. We are a bit too blue and the character screen is still bugged and whites the toon out.


Bring back original Glyph of Stars. It didn’t make us blue.


I’m sure this is coming soon. They said at the beginning of dragonflight they were working on more customization options for Balance druids.

So in 3 expacs then?


10 characters

Indeed! Until then it’s mookinless Balance for me!

As an option sure, but I don’t want any type or form period, so reducing the blue tint wouldn’t do anything for me.

This x1000000

I want this form back that we used to have - the yellow version

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