No beta means broken addons upon release

Several addons that I heavily rely on are causing errors or seriously breaking things. Addon authors have to scramble to fix bugs and just want to play the game as well. Just please give us a beta to actually test our addons so we can actually play the game when new content is released.


Code changes are easy to update.

There are plenty of tools the addon developer community uses to rapidly update their code.

You are mistaken, this IS the beta


oh you just reminded me to check to see if any more of my addons have been updated yet.

edit ha, 14 updates.

I made a thread the other day reminding people that without PTR it was going to take longer to get addons updated. People were like, “nah, it’ll be fine.”



TBF, there’s rarely ever a catastrophic bombardment of errors. And it’s usually limited to combat-oriented addons.

I doubt Blizzard cares if peoples addons don’t work for a few days.

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SexyMap was all over it! They got it fixed in like an hour. I give them kudos!

yeah, hallelujer, that was the only addon that was really borked for me.

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Never said it was hard. It’s unfair to make addon devs have to scramble upon release to fix the addons.

  1. My chat addon isn’t working, it simply doesn’t show anything. Author is undergoing chemo and I’m back to using the default chat, which is hard for me to read.
  2. opie is giving an error every time you enter combat, which is fun on outlaw with vanish
  3. I’ve had several “call to protected function” errors already, requiring a reload

None of those errors are the author’s fault. If Blizzard implicitly leans on addon authors to fix their UI shortcomings, sure… But at least support those same author devs by giving them at least a few days to fix it so that there aren’t hundreds of thousands of players that experience errors and all report bugs.


after the patch within 2-5 hrs my add ons were rdy for an updates

Tome of Teleportation is borked.

Not working with the Teleport Cloaks rn.

Welcome of the world of mods and addons.

Meh… even with PTR betas, there will be broken addons on release. There always are. Active addon developers usually get their stuff updated in a day or two.

I (foolishly) had hoped that it would be easy because Blizzard would limit themselves to only doing changes necessary for the event, and would save the other random changes for 10.2.7 in like, a month. But of course I was basing that on a company with functional product management.

I give them kudos too, but that doesn’t change the fact that there was no reason to make them rush to get changes out to fix errors in the live game.

This is every single patch regardless if there is a test realm or not. Honestly i prefer them do more of this it actually puts a little mystery back in wow, i hate things being datamined 2 seconds after its added.

Also not trying to beat you up but if you are that reliant on add-ons maybe try playing without them every once in a while. You might realize you dont need so many :slight_smile:

That’s not true. 99% of the bugs that the most used addons have right now would’ve been fixed already.

Just going to leave this here.

While I sympathize with the addon author who is undergoing chemo, updating their code is largely trivial. For something like placing all functions inside of a table, resulting in such changes as SendChatMessage() becoming C_Chat.SendChatMessage(), this particular update was trivial.

If big change are inbound, such as when Blizzard changed how addons collected aura data, they had given heads-up along with a thorough explanation. (Such as the C_Timer functions.)

Blizzard’s engineers largely are pulling back on what they’re allowing (especially while in combat lockdown), or they’re optimizing functions, such as merging foo:SetX() and foo:SetY() into foo:SetSize(x,y)

While their API isn’t perfect, it’s extremely well-made and information is readily available through console commands. For example, did you know you can find all the Plunderstorm UI code under a folder named “WoWLabs”? Why is this relevant? This is to show that they also rely on their Lua code working as expected. Regression testing is a tricky thing when you’re working on a 20-year-old game. It’s not a big deal if your addons throw errors because, as I said, it’s trivial to fix. And because it’s trivial to fix, other AddOns may exist – some with those issues resolved; a temporary option at worst, a maintained option at best.

In short: If you can’t wait for an update, find an alternate solution.

PS: I’m lucky enough to be able to fix broken AddOns myself. I despise Details though, that AddOn is designed to break if you sneeze at it too loudly. I’ve shared some localized fixes for extremely popular AddOns, such as WeakAuras, when it starts spitting out errors on the PTR. When you lose something critical, like Import/Export, it can suck bigtime, but you can easily transfer over your existing WeakAuras if you simply copy/paste the ...Options.lua file into your PTR folder properly – and then you have all your WAs!

Doesn’t matter how trivial, it breaks without heads up while this is 100% unnecessary.

That’s not true. There are a few addon devs that happen to be close to a few Blizzard devs and that’s how they find out early. Everyone who isn’t part of that group, or doesn’t follow 1 of the few Discord servers where you can find that info, you’re out of luck. The most common sources did not have any information until after 10.2.6 was made available unencrypted on the CDN.

Even then I went through the diff (which was rather massive), it still introduced changes that were not covered by their deprecated 10.2.6 implementation, including subtle changes in existing calls.

This is irrelevant to the subject.

Not what this is about.

I manage a few addons, so besides of dealing with other broken addons, I have to ensure my own work, while I rather be playing the new content.

I’ve been running the alpha for a long time, that’s simply not true. Usually when I discover a bug and report it, it’s fixed in a next alpha version usually within the hour. The release versions are also very stable and if something comes though, is fixed rather fast.

Patches like 10.2.6 just put more pressure on addon devs than necessary. Instead of fixing the bugs over a longer period of time, they are rushed to fix everything on patch day, and this is not okay imo.

I’m using BasicChatMods. Have you tried that one?