No battle pet xp bug?

Levelling battle pets vs Tiffany Nelson. Using lvl 25 rare Darkmoon Zep and lvl 25 rare Netherspawn, spawn of Netherspawn and a level 1. I have won matches using this combination, yet my level 1 pet does not receive any xp for the win. I noticed this over the weekend with a couple of battles, then yesterday was happening off and on…today it’s happened for 4 battles in a row and my lesser pet treat buff is being wasted. I did report a bug. Anyone else having the same problem or know of a solution??

Have you tried using lower level battle pets, or having the level 1 pet defeat enemies itself? Perhaps the higher level pets are nerfing the exp of the level 1, especially if you don’t even use the level 1.

Does the leveling pet get at least one turn without dying?


Yeah levelling pets need to be in the battle at least one round. They don’t need to actually fight, but they need to be in at some point and not just always in the backline.

On this specific fight, with this set up, no they are not getting swapped in. On other fights, where they are getting swapped in (and not dieing) the same thing is happening - no xp. But using the same combination of the Darkmoon Zep and Netherspawn, I was able to level my Void-Scarred Anubisath to level 19 battling against Tiffany Nelson this morning…then it was constant no xp thereafter. I tried relogging, reloading, and using a different toon but I get the same result - no xp awarded to the pet being levelled.

I don’t recall ever seeing a fight in which a low-level, no matter how low level, leveling with 25s in support, has failed to get some XP as long as they were exposed at least one turn. Even the minimum exposure of starting the fight in the first slot and being faster than the opponent so they could immediately swap.

But that degree of exposure is absolutely required, as long as there are any level 25 survivors at the end. Only pure self-destruct strats with zero max-level pets standing at the end will give a leveling pet XP with no frontline exposure.

Now there are some trainer fights that give trivial amounts of experience. Like, less than 500 xp. To the point it’s not really worth going for a carry team strat if there’s an all-25s strat that’s faster.

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Thanks for the correction, I deleted my erroneous post which I’d foolishly written before my first cup of coffee this morning.

Wondering now if a backline attack affecting the low level pet is considered exposure even if they’ve never been active. In this case the Zeppelin’s Thunderbolt could have made the difference between the carry pet getting XP or not.

The general logic requires that the pet be on the front line at the end of a turn. That can happen if one of your 25’s dies and you select the pet to replace it (and immediately swap it out next turn is fine), you manually swap it in, your last 25 dies at the same time as your last opponents pet (leaving only the levelling pet alive), etc.

They did make some changes (I think DF) where even if the pet dies it still gives some experience, but I don’t recall any changes that affected the “do I get pet exp at all” criteria offhand.

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