No balance, no fun in TW dungeons

How is the scaling for low level toons still a problem and if anything. Worse then ever.

I used to have issue with doing too many TW dungeons because i would rather be doing new content, but the XP payout was so great I could do a few at a time, or in a week and accept it.

But there is zero enjoyment following a lvl 11 tank as they one shot every trash pack on their way to clown a boss in 5 hits before leaping out the door on their way for more. As a healer I cant keep up, and i am absolutely useless. Or, if i am playing a caster, i’m lucky to throw a single spell on maybe 1 or 2 bosses before the whole run is over.

At this point in an expansion i would have an army of max level alts goofing off in all sorts of content. Now i cant stand to do timewalking at all. Against my best judgement i qeued for one tonight and low and behold. A lvl 11 warrior that my warlock couldnt even keep in sight for the whole run.

There has got to be a better way to scale this content, this feels like no effort has been put at all into it.

I suppose I never considered that people might actually enjoy those old fugly instances. Personally, I love having a level 11 in the group, to get through them as fast as possible, finish the quest and move on.

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I kind of enjoyed them when I got familiar enough with them that I could execute my role without stress.

But that was (in some cases) nearly two decades ago. And the novelty of seeing them again in timewalking wore off quite fast. So to me, they’re about “getting it over with and getting to the end prize”, whether it’s the +1 on the weekly quest or the chunk of XP for my leveling alt.

That’s the shortcoming of recycled content: it becomes a means to an end, and anything that hastens attaining the end becomes a priority.

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