No Balance Changes? Literally just delete SoM

I am sorry I politely disagree, I do believe every spec should be viable, not the same, not on even grounds, but viable enough to be allowed I don’t agree with classes being forced into certain roles, that said your “go back to TBC” counter is really all you have isn’t it? Because you really don’t have a solid argument against why player freedom shouldn’t be allowed.


Lol, tanking and dpsing are different roles


I played classic and then TBC classic and then got bored to tears.
Now I’m doing SoM and am annoyed by people who want to bring TBC ideas into SoM.

ok well once warriors get healing abilities, then we can nerf their dps ok :roll_eyes:

just because some classes have specs that are not raid viable does not mean they are not “free”.

I am not even saying bring TBC ideas into SoM, you can buff weak specs without bringing in TBC.

I think you are just scared if other specs became viable you would lose your raid spot.

But they aren’t if it is not viable in the slightest the META will deny them, and force them to play something else or be left in the dust, and while you are okay with that I am sorry I am not.


I’m not saying they should nerf their dps, I’m just going off your analogy that hybrids should be pigeon holed into a spec. They are hybrids, not pure healers, so instead of making them terrible at everything except healing why would it be such a bad thing to allow them to bring enough dps to a raid to be considered a spot?

Also you said you played vanilla 15 years ago, not the classic we just had, which was played completely differently, so its hard to take you seriously when you weren’t even serious enough to play the game in the first place.


Certainly not enough interesting enough changes to start over for. Not sure anyone’s obsession over not making more changes. Let them go wild. If you want to play without changes there are accommodations available.

If they still do higher damage than them there’s nothing wrong with that Oh no the only viable DPS.

Is isn’t rogues and Warriors Oh no heaven forbid all the classes are fun to play What an absolute shame that would be

Removing world buffs is the balance change.

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Yeah technically Just like technically removing the debuffalo in is a balanced change too but my thing is it’s not really going to change anything.

Especially if the bosses are harder all you’re going to do is make the comfs that are good better.

And meme specs are going to have an even harder time getting into raids I mean what do you bring a duid for Mark of the wild.

Rogues and Warriors are still going to be on top Maybe warlocks will do a little bit better but.

I really don’t think it’s going to be as much as people think realistically That’s why I’m saying give us wrath classes.

Is with 60 talent points

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A balance change that doesn’t change anything? Warriors and rogues get stronger if anything with no world buffs and longer fights…

Yeah I know That’s what I keep saying And again the best way to solve this is just to give us wrath classes.

All the problems are solved and there’s no longer a meme speck On top of that Is we have no idea how the meta is going to shape out.

Is I mean wrath classes with 60 talent points nobody knows Is what is that like If anything Is that gives it more of a classic feel right.

Because part of one of the things the appeal of classic back in the day was nobody knew what the Meta was.

Is that’s the other reason I mean am I wrong?

only playing 15 years ago and not the vanilla classic of modernity makes me MORE credible, not less. I actually have a very good feel of what should and should not be in the game, to make it as true to the original as possible. and buffing ret dps ain’t it, chief.

that said, I will tell you that I always remembered my guild bringing at least 1 ret pally per raid. we did it because he was a nice guy and we didn’t mind losing dps to bring him. and he was a good healer/buffer when he needed to be. so it is absolutely possible to still raid as a ret pally. 40 man raiding is a lot of slots to fill.

lol you lost credibility if you think warriors and rogues are stronger with no WBs.
everybody seems to think the new raid encounters will be like 3x as long or something. i doubt it. probably more like 25% longer at most.

You need to think about Blizzard’s intent here. Why are they doing a Fresh Classic? I’ll tell you my opinion, and it’s pretty simple: for a quick batch of subs with as little effort and time invested as possible. That’s it. And the 12 month sped up cycle is just so they can do it over and over again as quickly as possible to continually get that bump in subs.

The bump won’t last very long. People will quit. But as an investment…think about it. Blizz is doing essentially nothing to the game. No development time whatsoever. No need to pay designers or devs. No real infrastructure commitment or hardware. It’s literally the absolute bare minimum they can do. And they’ll get a LOT of subs…for a while. And then repeat the cycle every year.

What’s so disappointing is that Blizz has these amazing IPs. They could do SO much. Let your imagination run wild with the possibilities. They could do whatever they want, change whatever they want, create whatever inventive environment with all kinds of fun, crazy things thrown into the mix. And they do NOTHING. Private servers show just the tip of the iceberg in the potential for the limitless possibilities. If only Blizz had any passion for their own games. But no, it’s nothing but a numbers thing to them and they deem this project not worth the time or development resources.


Well I played the game for 16 years And just because you played the game for a long time does it mean you know everything.

And this is what I know Are not fun to play in classic And that’s super nice of you to bring a rat however.

It shouldn’t be your only bringing the class just because He’s a friend of yours Don’t get me wrong I’m not discounting that’s really nice of you.

But what I am saying is The class balance shouldn’t be so bad where literally we’re calling certain specs of the game meme specs I’m not saying these should be number one.

But what I’m saying is Rogues and Warriors shouldn’t do 25% more damage than everybody else

Now in wrath in pve Is was the best overall balance which is why I’m seeing wath classes you know why because everybody has fun.

There’s never this feeling of awe crap I want to play this but I know it’s absolute garbage.

No one likes that feeling It’s not fun to say I wanted you dungeons but if I want to do rating I have to be a healer.

And literally everybody else does more damage than me that’s not good design I don’t care what you tell.

And yes in 2004 it work I want to see something different I want every class to be fun to play.

And yes fun is subjective However I’m willing to bet if you ask most people They’re gonna tell you leveling up palatin is miserable there’s a reason why I got the nickname of the afk class.

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You may be right about that however I would make an argument that That’s why I’m saying just give us Ralph glasses with 60 talent points they could literally just slap them on it would be fine.

Aint quite frankly I think the game would just be overall better for it

Pretty much every class/spec is unique in Vanilla…uniquely broken & poorly/beta designed that is. Plus, awful gear itemization magnifies those blatant problems even more. I still don’t understand the polarized mindset that the only choice is always either “no changes” or “OMG IT’S RETAIL!!!” to some people. :rofl:


Couldn’t agree more. They are going for the quick cash grab and people will bait right into it.