No Arfus club

Would be amazing also if I did not have to eat a deserter debuff because someone could not wait for ppl to get curses.

This idea of first character doing the dungeon gets bonus type roll each day ā€¦now is that each toon you take in for the first time of new day or just the first one?

Perhaps bad RNG luck is karma for insatiable greed.

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I donā€™t have it, but then Iā€™ve never tried, so thatā€™s totally fair.


120 attempts so far this season. I have not gotten Arfus or the mount transmog. Have tried both hardcore and non-hardcore and still nothing. Gotten 1 Hallowed Helm (which didnā€™t count toward the achievement for some reason) 4 rings, 1 scarlet key, 2 swords, many masks and way too many sinister squashlings.


i think you and me share the same RNG, more squashlings then i want to countā€¦no pet, no mount armor, killed with and without hardmode around 90+ times now, the numbers dont add up


Idk why but I got it even faster than everyone else. I didnā€™t even have to do horseman once.

it doesnā€™t sound fair at all. you should have it. otherwise itā€™s FOMO and timegating

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Same thing happened to one if my friends. I had been trying for the mount for 10+ years at that point. I took her with me in one of my runs. Her first time ever running it, the mount dropped lol.

Some people just have that extra bit of built in rng xD

my bf got it his first run this year.
Iā€™ve yet to see it.

I got it on the third try and by the next day it dropped again, unfortunately, I wasnā€™t able to give it away to anyone in the group.

I finally got it today after running multiple max level characters with all 4 curses up every day. (Still no mount but I can live without it, the cute battle pet howeverā€¦)

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Another day and no doggo


Same though I may get another try soon as Iā€™m getting another Character to max level soon for another try today.

Got the sword on this character, which cannot use it. Nothing else and Iā€™ve been doing it at least once a day. Twice since I created my evoker. Three times today with my new KT druid. Iā€™d kill for just some pumpkin rings on my leveling characters at this point.

3ish minute fights feel painful. I got a 17 second fight yesterday though. I gave PI to a level 10 arcane mage twink who spammed arcane blast for ā€œ1mil dpsā€

I did get the drake armour but waiting on arfus and the plate helm which had eluded me for decades

Iā€™ve gotten the plate helm on so many non-plate-wearing characters. Like, why does it even drop for them?


I just love how another first kill of the day with all 4 curses gave me a whopping 2 candies and mask.

SOOO rewarding and such a totally fun not frustrating at all eventā€¦ :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Allows access to old school versions of the 4 wings of Scarlet Monastery.

Well running the last character now and no pup yet though.

Meanwhile, Blizz gives my warlock enough helms. As my DK and Warrior side eye him. :rofl: