No Arfus club

can you get it on subsequent runs in a day?


You have one chance per day per character 60+ (It drops from epic pumpkin, can drop from 0 curses past your first run of the day)

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No arfus for me :sob:


The only thing I collect is pets. Iā€™ll be quite miffed if I donā€™t get it and it just stares me in the face on the ā€œUncollectedā€ filter for the next year. Main + 5 alts per day, curses. Zip.


Same. (I did collect toys on purpose until 400 ā€¦BUTā€¦that was only for a pet reward) Only pets I havenā€™t worked for are pvp related (including pet pvp) ā€¦otherwiseā€¦grind, do whatever, pay whatever. This random crazy low drop rng is bananas for a limited time event that takes hours of queues across 12 alts). Iā€™d trade both my HH mount AND my Love Rocket for one Arfus any day. (those were lucky drops for me as a non serious mount collectorā€¦man I feel their pain)


Iā€™m afraid not. You can probably go through every computer in there homes they will not have WoW installed.

If they actually played they would put Arfus on the Candy Vendor or Quest Reward. But making it Tradeable would be a big step in the right direction. But they wonā€™t do anything this year least I seriously doubt they will before the event ends. We will have to wait a full year before any real change is made. Depends how much noise we make on the forums about making holiday boss drops being BoE.

We got a Auction House but it not being fully utilized.


Finally leaving this club! Pet dropped for my 10th char of the day, 4 curses active. Fare thee well, folks, I wish you every success!


Could be people sabotaging by not following mechanics or not caring about four curses mechanics.

(says the panda who was carried to the middle by a Dracthyr and had a demon hunter explode on her.)

I wish they made it where one instance was hard mode and the other normal.


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Curses are not doing nothing. Iā€™m not seeing a change in drop chances. People are actually running this 10-20 times a day with and without curses.

The Affixes is just a placebo effect to make you think its working its not.

Another day with nothing but candy and masks. Great holiday guys. Your awesome devs. :+1:


To add on to this.

This morning before reset and on my second kill with all curses, there were four of us with all curses. The fifth person just walked straight up to the pumpkin without knowing about the wickermen.

People gradually leave and the fifth person who had no curses and was still there with me, remarked ā€œthatā€™s coolā€. Then gets the lick king achievement.

What a silly game.


Totally agree. If there was an ā€˜actualā€™ increase in chance I think they would have published it. (likeā€¦1% per curse or something) Iā€™ve seen/known more without curses that have gotten the pet than with. (it boils down to dumb luckā€¦as in, ā€œyouā€™re dumb for thinking this will make you extra luckyā€)


Grrrrrrrrrrr some of us hate youā€¦haha just kiddingā€¦


Some people win the lottery 3 and 4 times while someone can play for the rest of there life and not win once. I guess same thing. RNG right?


My druid and mage keep getting the helm. My poor DK? Not a peep.


Believe me, I was hating myself for a bit there.

Iā€™ve had irl keep me away from the game a lot so the helm is an upgrade. Now if I upgrade it to 424, people will hear the horseman cackle til pre-patch. :rofl:

The night this DK got it, I already felt I wouldnā€™t see it on him this year.

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Getting really sick of logging in every character I can and running with curses on all my non-tanks, just to get masks and candy.

Iā€™m literally not doing anything else in the game, because I want this ridiculous pet. This stopped being fun about 80 runs ago.


Grind over. I was starting to get worried because the 1st is fast approaching.


What key is that?

Maybe Iā€™m doing something wrong? I just talk to the tall wicker-man in the middle and accept all the curses (I donā€™t talk to the other NPCā€™s there). Is that what you mean by ā€œwith al curses activeā€?


Scarlett key, I got it on my 1st run when the event started. You go to the Scarlett Monastery and there is an old key ring clicky at the top of the stairs on your left.