No april foolls jokes?

There is, they just started it on last October 27th.

Nah, he was right.

WoWHead had some stuff going on for Apr 1.

Today’s April fools is tomorrows patch notes.

compared to previous april fools thats quite boring LOL if thats the only thing they did

Speaking of april fools jokes, remember when blizz had one for mount customization? …then they added “mount customization”?


I remember when they added an entire page to the site saying we were getting a new race and it was the NE wisp heads. They had racial abilities and everything.

Now we just get a fake blue post on the forums. I feel like all the passion, love and fun has been completely sucked out of this game.

I remember the new “wisp” character class they announced. Single life character. You die that’s it.

Then there was the bard class they announced another year.

Playable ogres where two players controlled one ogre-one for each head. If one of the players was offline it showed their “head” as asleep…


I think that a large part of the community is in no mood for jokes at the moment.

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I still think the two-headed ogre race would have been a raving success. I would have - and still would - loved to introduce my less MMO-savvy friends to the genre by some co-op.

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WoWhead’s joke article was pretty funny.

The community just isn’t in the mood for Blizzard joking about content when there’s no content or balance when the state of balance is kind of a mess. Honestly, if they had focused the April Fool’s jokes stuff on WoW Classic, maybe did some kind of trolling stuff like announced WoW Mists of Pandaria Classic, that could be been hilarious.

Like, let’s be real here, really real here. The game really could have benfited from a new 3-boss raid in 9.0.5. And the first thing you see when you see the news about this is a new “mini-raid”. That seems very real and it seems like Blizzard is actually responding to the negative feedback and making a major pivot to address their upset community.

Instead, you find out its a farce. “April Fool’s! Your concerns about the game have been heard AND we’re throwing it directly in the trash. Don’t you guys have phones?”

The real April Fool’s joke is that Blizzard thought their April Fool’s joke was even slightly appropriate. It’s actually a bit bonkers.

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I hope that on April 2 they’ll say that 9.0 was the elaborate April fools joke, and we’ll get the real game. :stuck_out_tongue:

No it wouldnt. Majority of the people havent killed Mythic Danny yet.

What an absurd benchmark for whether new content would be appropriate for the game. Most Mythic guilds will never finish any raid tier unless Blizzard adds artificial power creep to allow guilds to brute force the content. Mythic guilds don’t make up the majority of the player-base though.

Most AOTC-only guilds are done with the current patch. Hell, even Bellular is going as far to tell his audience ot unsub from the game until June.

It’s playable in Heroes of the Storm at least, haha. It’s funny how a lot of the good April Fool’s jokes end up being realized in one way or another.

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lmao, majority of people don’t play the game to raid Mythic. False equivalency.

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No no no, don’t you get it? Unless Grandpa Jim kills Mythic Sire, the “community” isn’t “worthy” of new content.


That’s not the point. Blizzard wants people that WANTS to kill Mythic DANNY get a chance to do so.

I got my brother and I “Cho” and “Gall” shirts a few Christmases back. Love it.

Dude, nobody is buying this nonsense. Very few people care about Mythic. Blizzard can nerf fights or introduces artificial power creep if they want people to clear the Mythic content. What matters is the bulk of players who are playing around a Heroic / AOTC level and who typically unsub after beating the raid.

The simple honest truth is that Blizzard gambled on getting 9.1 early enough for the content drought to not be a problem, and they seem to have lost that gamble. They shouldn’t have gambled in the first place. The safe option was to release a mini-raid so they didn’t have to worry about whether they’d miss their deadline, but the greed runs so deep at Acti-Blizz that they’d rather take a gamble and hope their stock-price jumps up as a result because if it doesn’t work out and WoW suffers, well, they don’t actually feel the pain because they can sail off on their golden parachutes in the worst case scenario. It’s called perverse incentives.