No Alliance Quest for Heroic Darkshore after the patch

I don’t know if it’s been said anywhere here but the against overwhelming odds reward is now up to 445 as the reward. They don’t get that so I guess it’s kind of a trade off?

Plus we got it first when the last warfront was released.

You googled edgelord and copy pasted the definition… to sound cool on the internet… lol yeah you don’t fit the description at all…

Alliance has also had first dibs on Heroic Warfronts before so this is definitely not Horde Bias.

And I’ve been a vocal poster stating there is Horde bias in other stuff.

This isn’t.

Ally got it first last time? LOL
Plus the gear they got on 8.2 release and the non-stop warmode boosts.

Quit whining.

This thread is a pretty good example of why I find it difficult to be Alliance. I’m in a very good guild of nice people, I do things I don’t typically do with them and we have fun. But the times when I’m not with them and I have to interact with the majority of other Alliance players? It’s enough to drive someone mad.

Horde Bias and Better Racials aren’t what is killing the Alliance. The Alliance playerbase is what is killing the Alliance. Never happy with what they have. Always a defeatist attitude. An excuse for everything and quick to pass blame.

Why should anyone want to be Alliance when even the Alliance resent being Alliance?

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Horde EU has apparently had the quest up since season 4 started for them. Their Warfront queue started around the same time as Alliance NA. I’ve also seen some saying dailies are giving 250 Coalescing Visions for all of EU instead of the current 50 we see here.

As the EU Horde has access to this quest, and was in the same exact scenario as we were (WF up before S4), this is unacceptable and we should be given access.

Can we get an explanation for the obvious discrepancy at why EU is allowed to get access to the heroic warfront, if it flipped before the season 4 start, and why for NA it doesn’t. Not even going to bring up the worn down topics of Alliance v Horde favoritism.

Why does one region get an advantage when the other one doesn’t?

Ion has to make sure him and his Horde guild get priority gearing in time for Heroic, huh?

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Because Horde is how it looks to me. Not happy about this at all.

They know about it, they just don’t care since it was in the Horde’s favor:

The Heroic Darkshore Warfront opened on European realms with the start of Season 4, despite it being mid-attack for Horde.

This was not intended, but we think it’s best to carry on with it in that region, since it has now been underway for several hours.


Nobody is doing the regular warfront. The table is sitting dead like a tomb over in Boralus. FUN IS DEAD.

And yet when the Horde just had it open up mid assault on EU realms you decided to keep it up because…

Oh that’s right, because it benefits the Horde.

Stop lying to us, just admit that the Devs want to make sure their Horde buddies get geared up in time for Heroic Nyalotha and be done with it. Everyone knows any claims that you guys are unbiased is a complete joke at this point.


Is this discussion closed? Is Alliance NA just screwed here?

Unless you are Horde in the EU who it accidentally triggered on and you let it go. Meanwhile alliance here in the NA region get ripped off. Thanks

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only fresh leveled alts need the regular one.

Alliance isn’t getting ripped off. It’s stated very clearly in the patch notes how it’s meant to work and that’s how it has worked previously. It’s not a big deal, we’ll have it back in a couple weeks.

Except Horde in EU are in the exact same state as Alliance in NA right now, and they got the heroic quest popping up on an warfront that was already in progress when the reset hit.

The last time this happened to alliance all the items were retroactively taken out of people’s bags and anything they had scrapped for residuum to buy pieces was tracked down and that stuff was taken also. When it happens to the horde, oh it’s no big deal, we’ll just let it stand because it’s been like this for a couple hours.

Clearly there is no double standard here. All people want is to treat both regions the same. Either roll back the unintended behavior in EU or allow alliance to have the same thing in NA.


Honestly, with the attitudes the alliance playerbase constantly displays, I wouldn’t give it to them even out of good will. It was a bug, it happens. We don’t know what it would take for them to fix it or if they could given how completely unstable this patch is.

I’m a software developer, and I would be literally amazed if the fix was more complicated than changing a false to a true in a storage table, then likely forcing a sync of some kind. Absolute worst case having to reboot the server afterward. But I know Blizz’s tech has come a long way since vanilla WoW, so I would lean toward the easier solution.

I think the complaining is often out of hand, but when so many little nicks and cuts keep happening in the favor of one faction over the other you kinda can’t help but empathize when the game designers refuse to even acknowledge there is a problem. The “Against Overwhelming Odds” quest and additional war mode bonus is essentially a bribe to get zerged 5v1 while doing world quests every day for a little bit extra so that the other faction has something to do in world PVP. The recruitment pool for alliance raiding has shrunk enormously as more and more guilds are giving up and switching to horde. As far as I’m aware no effort has been made to even try to fix this problem either.

Shrug. I don’t complain often, but this one instance just kind of irked me because of how harshly they treated it last time when it happened to alliance instead.

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