No 21:9 ultrawide login/warband character selection screen

It’s 2024, Blizzard updates the login screen to warbands, and it is still locked to 16:9 aspect ratio.

What a fail


I’m curious if this means you see black bars on the sides of your login screen?

I’m having the opposite issue where the right side/4th character is cut off due to how wide the char selection column is.
And if I lower my overall UI% in-game, that ‘fixes’ the issue, but then all my other fonts/graphics/wording in-game becomes grainy and difficult to read.

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Yes, black bars on side of screen.

Oh wow. And there’s no way currently for you to change this?

Something I need to keep in mind if/when I buy a new monitor. I really don’t need one, but this new UI scaling thing is driving me nuts.

Agreed, this is pretty stupid. 21:9 is becoming extremely popular now (standard curved monitor), this was the perfect opportunity for them to update the login screen but they didn’t bother? At least in other games I can get a mod to fix it, but not in WoW.

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32:9 is my flavor and would love to have the option to fix this.


Buy a 21:9 monitor. You wont regret it. Specially for wow (or other mmos), you can put info on the sides of the screen without feeling the UI is cluttered. Today almost every game supports it too, once you go 21:9, you won’t go back to 16:9

Wow in particular works nicely on 21:9, no problems at all. From what I can recall, the really old loading screens (which are 4:3) and some others display black bars. All the rest works properly. The newer loading screens all display properly on 21:9.

The login/character screen still locked to 16:9. Not really a game breaker because you usually stare at it for little time, but it’s a wasted opportunity to future proof this section of the game

Imagine how I feel looking at it in 32:9

And most of the cut scenes default to standard with black bars on the side. Makes me want to just go back to 16:9

I’m sending my collector’s edition back because of this. Ok JK but yeah it’s 2024.

I play on a triple monitor setup at 1440p and the characters head and feet are now partly off screen by default. In game, I prefer to use UI Scale at 85% (text is too small by default for my old eyes), but now at 85%, the character screen has very large buttons (way too large) but the character is zoomed out… weird…

Has anyone found a fix for this yet, or is it solely up to Blizz? I’m just now coming back and recently acquired a 21:9 monitor. I excitedly loaded up, and was shocked to see that it wasn’t filling the screen… It does in-game, which I guess it where it counts, but still.

well the vast majority are running 1440p setups so it probably isnt a priority.

Considering how notorious a large share of this game’s population is for waiting to upgrade their PCs, I’d lay money on 1080p still being the resolution used by that share, lol.

steam percentage has 1080 in second and the forementioned resolution in the low single digits.

I use 16:9 4k setup, but switching to custom 21:9 aspect-ratio res does show that they are pillar-boxing the character select to 16:9. That’s fairly annoying. What’s interesting to me is that they are not letterboxing 4:3 aspect ratios at the character select. D4 is letterboxed to 16:9 on 4:3 displays. I’d definitely say not having proper 21:9 for the WoW warband character select is a more egregious issue in 2024, but sometimes I get the urge to play WoW at 4:3 when I’m playing some retro games on either my larger CRT in my spare bedroom (a 32" 720p/1080i CRT HDTV with HDMI that will accept a 1280x960 signal) or I bring out the 21" CRT monitor (at 1920x1440@77Hz usually or occasionally 2048x1536 but only at 60hz) and plug it up.

And well…the poor 4th warband member gets covered:

I guess I don’t expect any testing at 4:3, but I certainly would except the warband camp to fill a full frame on 21:9 displays (and 32:9 for that matter, which is severely pillar-boxed as well).

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But the login screen e-sport community will be so upset if others have an advantage.

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There’s reasons for that, same with RTS / MOBA’s. 16:9 is the standard most people go by, it’s what’s been defined due to the fact competitive content exists.

I’d also like to point out that warbands loading screen increases immersion but, at the same time with the locked aspect ratio it fails to deliver that.

Love competitive login e-sports.