# N'lyeth, Sliver of N'Zoth STILL BROKEN

N’lyeth, Sliver of N’Zoth



4 posts

50 Worgen Druid 16685

Jun '21

Hello there!
The quest for obtaining N’lyeth, Sliver of N’Zoth has been broken/nonfunctional since pretty much the drop of 9.0.
(Yes. Since December of last year.)
-Reported on EU forums by a fellow player:

World of Warcraft Forums – 24 Dec 20

Unable to get Servant of N’Zoth quest

Hi all, Hope you’re well. I’ve been attempting to get the Servant of N’Zoth quest in order to get my Sliver of N’lyeth but have been encountering some issues. I reached Assassin level twice on both a Level 60 and a Level 50. All kills were done in…

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-Also mentioned in the WoWhead comments for this item that someone reached out to, AND managed to get a GM to actually report the bug:


N’lyeth, Sliver of N’Zoth

A toy box collection item. In the Other Items category. Added in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. Always up to date with the latest patch.

-There is an entire Discord community of hunter players that have been (patiently) waiting for this bug to be fixed. Please help?

Please fix this.