Ninja looters in BRD

Leonjr of Pandemonium and Spherical of Resurrection Sickness

Leonjr took Haunting Specter Leggins (Legs from Chest of The Seven in BRD)
Spherical took Ghostshroud (Headpiece from Chest of The Seven in BRD)

I dont even really care about the loot, it was that he opened the chest before any of us could see the loot and just took it. It was a clear ninja. He then pretended like he didnt realize looting it would bind it to him. (As if there isnt a button that says “Looting this item binds it to you”.) His friend then argued with us via whispers for a while, intending to bribe us 100g not to post this on the forums (Not taking the offer, obviously). After the warrior took the helm, the mage said f it and yoinked the pants (Which were an upgrade for me)

Was it a big deal? Not really, but I cant stand ninja looting, and It annoyed me so Im posting it here.
(Sorry for the tiny text, I use a large high rez monitor)
(Also, forums would let me post with the links enabled, so if you want to see the screenshots, replace [DOT] with a dot.)


We did clear the dungeon, by getting a couple replacements, so that was nice.


Ninja looters are worse than communists >:(

Hey here is a bit of context as the player who messaged you trying to compensate (not bribe never said don’t make a forum post just tried to rectify the situation)
new player who was learning would be nice if people used mistakes to teach and not be negative community members :slight_smile: anyways glad you guys finished your dungeon. good luck in the future
Replac dot with a period to see ss of convo

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How do you make it to BRD and not know how chests work? glad retail has personal loot cause ninja’s suck hard

how can you “grind” in Classic and not know how chests work? did you just boost him to 60 for his first character?

Ya the whole guild did, it like less than 2 weeks hes almost 60.

Hi I am the GM of Resurrection Sickness. This is a young teenager who has no idea how loot or anything works in classic and has been grinding hard to get his first 60. Give the guy a break, we offered you gold or anything to make this right on his behalf. Not right to punish someone who made every attempt to fix his mistake. This was the chest of the seven where anyone can loot what is inside.

The mage legit told us that he grabbed it, because the warrior took the Helm, and then sold it to a vendor. You can lie for him all you want. It doesn’t affect what actually happened. (Accidentally replied to myself on the previous reply)

The mage is not in my guild or no one of concern to me. I am speaking for the Warrior. We have tried multiple attempts to make this right for a item that is of no value to anyone in that group. You have refused our help, and we have gone above and beyond to make it right. As a new guild we dont want this reputation, and I hope you can see our attempts to make this right. If you have any issues message me in game to get this straightened out.

show screenshots of this chat, that mage isn’t in our guild and he is currently wearing the helmet lmao

The Warrior ninja’ed a item. Theres no way around it. He took the item before we saw what items were in the chest. If you want to explain that to him, than explain that to him. Im not going to keep arguing about his intentions. It doesnt change what happened.

We have explained it to him, and we wanna make this right. You know the chest of seven can be looted without a roll, and first time players dont know how it works. You are obviously being mad to be mad when we have gone out of our way to mend things. Sorry that happened, but we have tried to fix it.

Yeah, I f’ed up the guild names, I was writing this while healing the rest of the rest of BRD. The mage was in Pandemonium. The warrior was in Resurrection Sickness.

Drama queen much?

Just take the 100G, and go buy some Bloodvine gear with it instead of trying to stir up problem.


Yeah, its almost like you didnt read the post.

On a scale of 1 to 10 of ninjaing this is probably a 3. Going to give someone the benefit of the doubt of being a noob versus someone going YOLO on trash from BRD.

I am more angry about azzhats poaching lotus spawns.

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