Nimue is a total fail on blizzard's part

Why are we not fighting her as she pops up from from a pond and have her distributing swords once she dies?


Wat. I feel some context is in order


Nimue is the real name of The Lady of the Lake from Arthurian legends.


“Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government


 that’s no basis for a system of government.

Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


" You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!"


The biggest failure of Nymue has been the wow communities inability to pronounce it correctly.
Every raid in discord when I hear people say “nighmoo” I’m just shaking my head violently


Is it?

For some reason that part of the raid has us beat up guys on our team.

I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor, just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


Now we see the violence inherent in the system!


Is that the community’s fault, though? We usually rely on hearing it spoken in-game, otherwise it’s left to our imaginations as to how a name is pronounced. Is Nymue’s name ever spoken? If not, I won’t blame anyone for ‘getting it wrong’ since even looking up how a similar (or even referential) name is pronounced may not be ‘correct’ here.


Help! Help! I’m being repressed!


Yeah this is the bit I find dumb.

“No one is allowed in these sacred chambers! What’s that? You’re with the dragon aspects? Including the old boss Ysera and the new boss Merithra? Oh hi, Merithra! And you say you need a magic doodad here real quick so that you can save this temple, Amordrassil, the entire Emerald Dream and the entire waking world from the Firelord and a big angry Shadowflame infused dragon? Wow that sounds serious. We’d love to help you and let you use the magic doodad but you see, this temple is restricted, and rules are rules, ao you’re all gonna have to die now. You too, new boss lady Merithra. Nothing personal, you understand.”

Utterly ridiculous.


YARN | Come and see the violence inherent in the system! HELP! HELP! I ...


We kill every thing in our way. That’s what we’re good at.

I think I’m the only one in my raid that can say it properly. Everyone else has settled for calling her Nemo.

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You’d fit in with my DnD campaign I run
 every one of em is a murder hobo.

I am so confused.

Nimue is the name of the lady of the lake. She’s the person who gave King Arthur Excalibur after his old sword, the sword pulled form the stone, broke. (though there’s a lot of debate on that one, some say the sword in the stone was Excalibur, others don’t
 history is vague and confusing even without 1000 years of storytellers changing things.)

A lot of people here are also making Monty Python and the Holy Grail jokes based on how I may have intentionally worded it.

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Came here to say this glad I saw it lol

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