Guild: Nightstalkers
Raid days: Tues/Thurs/Sun
Times: 9-12:30 EST
Progression: 8/8M CE 9/9H 8/9M
Recruitment needs: A strong spriest and any exceptional player.
Contacts: Rpz#11893
Nightstalkers is the oldest guild currently on Emerald-Dream US, with over 13 years of raiding under our belts. We are a CE minded guild, currently trying to acquire some quality players in order to fill out our roster. The raiders we allow into our team, are always strong, capable players. We’re constantly recruiting to keep our standard of progression high. With that being said, we have a laid back atmosphere, we take progression very seriously, but not at the expense of our raiders.
We look forward to having you app, and join our team. Please contact me with ANY questions! 32% on Jaina