Nightmare Dragons Updates - March 4

Add Jom Gobbar to the loot table too ty.

Is this everything in the game or just the dragons?

I am aware, I was talking about pugs

An amazing change. Thank you Blizz! Now Shamans have a chance to get their trinket haha.

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Already saw someone HRing 3 items from grove, getting roasted in trade chat.

Can you just put the patterns on the real vendor, please?

This is pretty much a death blow to that concept. Do the new raid or don’t.

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(post deleted by author)

Do these also have potential to drop ruins set peices ring, cape, wep if not i think that should be added to the table

Definitely sounds like an improvement. I’ll give it a try this week to see if it actually feels worth it.

Still need to fix the Reals problem on Onyxia please :slightly_smiling_face:

Great Changes
 I hope BM is next! =)

I mean it’s a start to being a better change. Why you refuse to update the reel vendor instead is beyond me but ok.

So are the LW or other prof patterns that never drop added to the dragons. Or just the enchanting and eng like it says?

The goal is for people to play content, not to not play content. This change encourages playing content.

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By play content you mean HR items while they get carried in the raid? ICANT

no its not, its a great change to get alts ready for next phase.
Thank you Blizzard.

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Please include the class weapon drops too. Been trying to get Paladin sword for months now