Nightfall Sanctum How to rescue allies

In Nightfall Sanctum, how do you rescue the guys in the purple circles? I killed the mobs, threw a flare off to aside but every time I go into the circle to rescue someone the barrage of arrows interrupts the rescue.

I tried waiting for an angle where I could get close as the circles moved but that didn’t work. I was trying at tier 4 so I dropped to tier 1 but same problem.


I haven’t gotten that one in awhile but from what I remember you need to use the flares to move the purple circles.

If you put the flare’s target circle on the edge of the purple circles it should move the purple circles to that area, giving you room to click the things.


This is the solution, OP.

You use the flares to draw the cicles away from the objectives. You can use multiple the flares one after another to gather up all the circles in the area. They eventually will stack on top of each other and just become one. Then all you do is direct them all to a safe place away from the people you’re trying to click.

It just takes a little patience to gather them all up. Good luck. :+1:


This delve is the worst one. I’ve done t11 no deaths, both Zekvir. This stupid thing on t8 wrecked me yesterday. I was checking if my gear was broken or something.

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Ok thanks :slight_smile: