when will these races be obtaining their heritage armor, now that blizz just released orc and human?
also will dracthyr be getting one?
Who knows. Its been a while sense the last set of heritage armor.
Now, it could be a couple of months. Could be years. If i was a betting man, I’d say whenever that new tree gets finished we’ll get night elf/undead armors. But thats just speculation.
Looking forward to draenei and pandaren heritage armors…someday…but at the same time I worry I won’t like them for my hunter and monk…so…there’s that. /shrug
Dracthyr don’t have an associated horde/alliance faction to grind and don’t start at level 1 or 10 but level 58 so heritage would be exceedingly easy for them to get… not that that’s bad.
Hard to see what the Dracthyr can use as heritage armor while they can get some good banging outfits soon.
Dracs can go to the back of the line and wait behind the rest of us honestly.Allied races with heritage before other older races shouldnt be a thing. Finish the rest then add new races.
Really missed the perfect chance for nelf and undead during shadowlands. The Lordaeron/New Seed questlines would’ve been perfect to give those 2 their armors.
Agreed though blizz needs to hurry tf up.