
are they nightelves or more related to blood elves?

Night Elves. They’re the ones that got trapped under the sea while the others turned into Naga.

As for the Darnassus Nelves, I believe they’re the ones that branched off (pun intended) when Queen Azshara decided to raise the Barrier to defend against the Fel invasion?

I can never keep all the lore straight. There’s just sooooo much Night Elf lore

They all stem from Night Elves.

High/Blood Elves were the highborne who got exiled and relied on the Sunwell to feed their magic addiction which changed them.

Nightborne were the ones who bubbled their city and then relied on the Nightwell to feed their magic addiction which changed them.

Void Elves decided both sources of magic were small time and went for pure unfiltered void.

Night Elves that we play as today are the hippies who only wanted all natural stuff, and as such didn’t really change.


Closer to night elves than to blood elves.

Also, where the nightborne girls at!?


i ask this because does having a connection with these “wells” prevent them from having druidic powers?

Smooth. The void is as pure as the air as you breathe.

Go for the best. Go to the source. Go Void.

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They are the ancient Night Elves.


It doesn’t physically stop them from learning druidism. They just haven’t been really all that interested in learning since they’re more arcane-oriented cultures.

I would be curious to see what forms a Nightborne Druid had. Some purple, arcane-infused animal forms would be pretty neat.

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Somehow doubt that.

They’re night elves that got a mana addiction like blood elves due to being locked in a large bubble for what ten thousand years? They had common ground with the Blood elves, found a cure to their addiction and while they still look kinda frail they’re now the Horde’s version of NE as Tyrande was horrible towards them and their new leader fell in love with Lor’themar. I wonder what a blood elf/ Nightborne baby will look like… hmm so much potential for half breeds but Blizz may never do them.

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Not technically. All magic can be learned. Azeroth’s mainstay of druidism stems from Cenarius, who’s Elune’s son. Also worth noting that some druid spells include the arcane school.

The NB in particular had their dependence on the Nightwell cured by the Arcan’dor, which was grown with druidic and arcane magic.


/Stamps with seal of approval


They are literally night elves. Thalyssra herself was one of the highborne in night elf society, more than 10,000 years ago. After the sundering they spent the subsequent millennia hidden away in suramar, soaking in the energies of the nightwell. The exposure to it mutated them somewhat, making them look how they look today.

High elves/blood elves have a similar origin though, which made for a common bond. The high elves are also decedents of the night elf highborne. After the sundering though they were forced to leave kalimdor, settling in what is now quel’thalas.

They’re the same as high elves, but with a different magic source.

If you know pokemon, think of eevee, Night elves are lile eevees, and high elves and nightborne are 2 different evolutions (like espeon and umbreon).

So both high elves (and therefore blood elves) and nightborne can directly trace their lineage to night elves, with some even being former night elves (lorash as a blood elf was a night elf at some point before the exile, and we see that thalyssra was also a night elf), but they can’t connect their lineage directly with one another, besides the eventual child of lorthemar and thalyssra.

You could argue that blood elves are more removed from night elves than nightborne are since nightborne seemed to have kept their immortality with the night well, and we know most highborne that became high elves died generations prior, but we see a lot of nightborne kids in suramar, so they still got busy in those 10k years.

It’s true, by now there should be several different kinds of hybrids running around, particularly Orc/Troll hybrids.


Biologically, they’re closer to night elves.
Culturally, they’re closer to blood elves.

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With how many years orcs and trolls been hanging out and working together I wouldn’t be too surprised by such a hybrid. I mean things happen, I’d imagine we’d also see like Tauren hybrids with orcs or troll…maybe BE sometime after BC. Not like hybrids or half race characters would be lore breaking by any means as I mean Kalecgos’s visage is a half elf half human hybrid so hybrids do exist. It wouldn’t shock me too much if they became a thing as it’d be vastly more cosmetic options and racial combinations for everyone to pick from which could only be a good thing for player interest. I mean bauldur’s gate 3 has such a thing and people love it so I can’t see why it’d be a big deal if WoW had the same. I mean there could even be like forbidden love hybrids of like a worgen and a BE or a worgen who got lost trying to kidnap a vulpera and things happened… it’s all a matter of story telling and they wouldn’t need to talk of the actions that created the hybrid as that’d be lore the player comes up with on their own. I mean we in game right now got a couple that is a gnome girl in love with a goblin guy… they’re both madly in love too so…the idea a hybrid from them wouldn’t happen is crazy. If anything it’d give the design team some fun stuff to work on, players get to choose what their hybrid is and pick from racials of the two I suppose parent races and it could make for some wild combos. Only hybrids I can’t see happening would be like…mechagnome and undead as well… mechagnomes give up that function with the fact their lower half is robotic and undead are zombies

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For Undead it’d just be an undead ‘Insert Race here’.

They are just bubble-preserved Night Elves who are addicted to wine stomped by bare-feet. :yum: