Nightborne: The Fixes We Need

Males look super derpy… fix that.


Activision/ blizzard does not want to spend money so they pretty much did a copy paste on nightelves. Kinda like bfa is just a copy of leigon. Sorry to see a good company go down the toilet


Lorewise its a copy-paste of Pandaria


Agreed with everything in the original post. We’re a half-as-- partial donkeyed reskin of Night Elves. I guess tweaking the Nightborne NPC models to work for existing armor would have taken effort?, so we get this barely-a-race race with crappy racials, crappy animations, crappy customization options, crappy models, and even crappy, doesn’t even fit right, heritage armor. I consider the race half done, at best. Maybe someday Blizzard might decide to finish us? But, not going to hold my breath.


A slow with a minor amount of damage on a long cooldown. Also we get a mailbox, because I guess mailboxes aren’t absolutely everywhere? Some sort of stealth detection would have been neat and made sense with the race but…


Nightborne NPC models are very very far from the quality of playable races. Just zoom to their faces and you’ll see a lot of issues. Way more than the playable nightborne have. Plus, NPC nightborne still use night elf animations, just like playable ones.

Yes, the playable models need some love. More options, a few animation improvements, some faces more akin to the NPCs, but don’t think that working on the NPC ones would have a better effect. The original models were never made with the possibility of being playable in mind. There would be a lot of problems.

Also, why do the males not get any facial jewelry options, something intrinsic to the males yet the females do in spite of NONE of the female NPCs having these aesthetic options? I feel like in general the males got super shafted.


The NPCs have much better proportions than the PCs though.

The NPCs have the soul but not the technical stuff that’s necessary to make a race playable, and the it’s the other way around for the PCs.

I want to link some pictures to show my point but I can’t yet for some reason.

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I think it’s mostly a problem of time constraint. The four preorder allied races were really rushed, all of them have issues.

And, despite all that, nightborne were the ones that got the most attention from Blizzard. It was the only one that got facelifts, proportions changed and geosets moved. But, because they were also the ones that required more work to be adapted from the base model, they ended up really unfinished.

So, I’m hoping Blizzard eventually improves each of the four first allied races. We need to keep asking.


That’s what’s bugging me the most, a race as fleshed out as the Nightborne is pushed out without being finished while some races that aren’t even playable have gotten so much attention to their models.

For sure!


It bugs me a lot as well.

I don’t know why Blizzard wastes resources in critters like those mushroom people that have no importance in Kul Tiras or Zandalar, when playable models could use those resources to get a few extra skins or some work done on their models.

Earlier this years (around April, I think), in an interview or Q&A, they said they want to go back and take a look at the allied races again. I was hoping we would see improvements by now, but nothing came so far.

I hope we don’t end in a worgen/goblin new models situation again.


One issue I have with Nightborne faces is that in their effort to make them detailed, Blizzard’s artists put lots of lines on them making them look old (some worse than others on the females), and Nightborne males also didn’t get the one single face option that Night Elf males have (the very first option) that isn’t completely busted.

Body-wise the males suffer from the same weird “Popeye” proportions as Night Elf males but worse because their legs are spindly unlike the Night Elf males. Seriously don’t skip leg day guys, it makes you look weird.

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Give me those Dwarven Leia buns.


Nobody thinks you’re clever for saying this type of garbage in every thread about anything for Horde. Get lost.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say the devs don’t think it’s clever either that you mockingly use one of Ion’s lines across multiple Horde-focused threads, and could consider it low-grade trolling.

After seeing all the crap you’ve written in High Elf threads, I think you might want to consider not talking.


If by crap you mean hard to swallow facts, and if by threads you mean the one giant anti High Elf thread, sure.

Also, no thanks, Dad.

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Yeah, you should really stop talking.

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It’s always the guys with guildnames like Civil Warcraft being ironic jerks and, uncivil, isn’t it?


I’m being a jerk and uncivil by telling you to not be a hypocrite? Okay. That’s a new one. But whatever. Keep talking and when people do what I do and read your other comments, they’ll realize that you want to insult others opinions and ideas but hate having the same being done to your own.